The Holy Spirit

NOV. 4, 1981, 5:25 AM

Lenore asked… you considered the Gospel of John’s description of Me… you are here in obedience, somewhat amazed at My capacity to wake you in plenty of time… so hear a teaching about Me, the Holy Spirit, as the rain falls on another inordinately warm morning.

Let’s commence with a description that came up in the class… I issue forth from the Father, continuously. Because I don’t have to have a body this is easier to conceptualize. I am absolute Being and Becoming “at the same time”. (Remember, My realm is timeless… hard to really understand, but true.) I have issued forth, but I also am in the Father and the Son, and also am issuing forth. So, I am in the Father, in you, and issuing forth to bring you Word from the Father… even as you sit here and write.

My Purpose? To instruct you… in friendship and love. I do this with many humans, but I have called you out to not only hear clearly, but to write down the teachings for later use. I called you out, and you responded. Could you have refused me? I can say Yes and thus affirm your integrity and the power of human free will. I also can say No, affirming that My purposes are above any in the earth and that I am an effective “caller”. (You considered the question at the class last evening… did I, as Jesus, call any disciples who refused? If so, how many? What if the Gospels recorded that I had to call 35 men before I finally got twelve to accept? That would picture a nice, patient, ineffective Jesus, the Lord of Life.) The “answer”, for you, is that My Will is mightier than yours, and therefore you choose not to refuse.

With patience, dedication, and some hard work you and I have developed this “communication system”. I speak, and you hear and write. We have developed a friendship, so I speak to you as a friend, and you respond as a friend. I am still the Holy Spirit of the Lord God of Whom you should stand in awe… yet I also come as a helpful friend. Lay aside the awe and learn from Me.

If you need to know something, you have but to ask. If you don’t ask I may teach you just the same. Our relationship is established in such a way that I don’t have to worry about offending you and having you “run away”. I put the knowledge of predestination or “being called” in your heart, mind, and spirit about 25 years ago. That has matured, so that you are not now overly sensitive about your “will”. Many American Christians hold so strongly to the importance of free will that they deprive themselves of fellowship with Me of this quality. But, of course, I can call “over” such reservations… and do.

NOV. 4, 1981, 5:25 AM

Lenore asked… you considered the Gospel of John’s description of Me… you are here in obedience, somewhat amazed at My capacity to wake you in plenty of time… so hear a teaching about Me, the Holy Spirit, as the rain falls on another inordinately warm morning.

Let’s commence with a description that came up in the class… I issue forth from the Father, continuously. Because I don’t have to have a body this is easier to conceptualize. I am absolute Being and Becoming “at the same time”. (Remember, My . . .

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