The Holy Spirit

SUN., JULY 3, 1983, 5:30 AM

Your attention has wandered greatly this morning, o son, but now you have heard the theme for this meditation, one that is “fundamental” rather than personal and practical. When you are away for a time you do have difficulty in maintaining the discipline for this hour. But you are here, and We have begun.

In orthodox Christian theology the Holy Spirit is a part of the mystical Trinity, and is the least described, certainly, in the Scriptures. The Lord God and the Father God are aspects of My Nature which almost merit “separate status”, but it ends up that a proper God can have these divergent natures, which you shall have to understand as best you can.

Jesus, who became the Christ, was My manifestation as flesh and blood; body, mind, and spirit… here in the earth. Insofar as possible He is to be the model for all humans, male and female, though His behavior day-to-day was not, meant to be grossly universal. He was Son, and He was servant. He taught, and He told of My Way as Father. He gave His life that others might live for eternity in relationship with Us, the Trinity.

John’s gospel has Me, as Jesus, foretelling the coming of the Holy Spirit. I shall be continuing teacher, counselor, and friend, but there is no detail as to how these roles shall be played. In Acts it tells of My coming, symbolically and dramatically, at Pentecost. I came as wind and fire, with some of the characteristics of each of these phenomena. On that day I allowed the disciples to speak in other tongues, so that the message of salvation could be heard by many. As a symbol this said that I would come to spirits attuned, using the language familiar to each. This I have done with you, speaking with your vocabulary and grammatical syntax and punctuation. I even employ a particular ball point pen. The Scriptures could not have foretold this detail.

I also communicate in a spiritual language, and some respond to Me in this “other” tongue. You have heard this from the mouths of others, but it has not been in your personal experience as yet. If it should be important you shall have this experience, I promise. And yes, you can assume that if you don’t have it this particular interaction is not vital to your functioning. Continue to do what you do… and do it well.

Some Christians want to continue communication with Me as Jesus the Christ. I, the Holy Spirit, “arrange” this, though this is just another aspect of I. When anyone tries to straighten out this relationship and explain it logically it becomes apparent that it is basically mystical. Am I speaking as the Holy Spirit? Yes, truly. Am I also speaking as God Almighty and as Jesus the Christ? Yes and no. I am Unified, and just as truly I can manifest Myself in many ways, not just three. But is the Trinity a useful concept? Yes. Is it the only appropriate one? Never limit Me to specified human concepts.

SUN., JULY 3, 1983, 5:30 AM

Your attention has wandered greatly this morning, o son, but now you have heard the theme for this meditation, one that is “fundamental” rather than personal and practical. When you are away for a time you do have difficulty in maintaining the discipline for this hour. But you are here, and We have begun.

In orthodox Christian theology the Holy Spirit is a part of the mystical Trinity, and is the least described, certainly, in the Scriptures. The Lord God and the Father God are aspects of My Nature which almost . . .

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