The Importance Of Seasons

SUN., JAN. 6, 1985, 6:57 AM

The referent for “seasons” in this title is both the seasons of the year and the season in your (and My) co-favorite Scripture of Ecclesiastes. Seasons indicate a rhythm and a recurrence, rather than a path from something to something else. When applied to life this does seem to conflict with the orthodox birth-life-death-judgment-heaven or hell. Let’s just say, this morning, that they are complementary truths.

As you look out at the snow and go through the procedures for providing heat in this old house you know it would not be difficult to make a case for the “season-less” climate… of California or Hawaii. And yet you know there is a value in this winter season… a challenge that you still need. You can live in and enjoy either type of climate (and you shall not need to try the long, severe winter), and that gives a nice balance to life. And I shall say again… a life of just one season, while appropriate for some, is not ideal and is not what I want for you.

You are moving into the season of late middle age. Be aware and appreciative of the continuity from earlier middle age (even from young adulthood and youth) and also of differences that can come with this different season. Don’t expect life to be the same as it has been. Seek the wisdom to hold on to what you should and let go of other aspects of life. Remain as adaptable as you can be, for that still (remains) is one of the major characteristics of holistic health.

A time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted… and this is the time for neither. It is a time to be dependent on the plucking up of others in climates less seasonal and on that which has been preserved. But will you be ready for the time to plant? It is a good time, and should be a more positive part of your life. Be readier to plant as Spring comes this year. Harvest time is certainly more enjoyable if you have planted well in its season.

A time to keep silent and a time to speak… there is no set answer for the balance in this matter of communication. It is a continual rhythm… one you must always be seeking and improving. (Your attention is poor. You may move on to other tasks that seem more urgent, but return and finish this during the day. I shall be here. 7:44 AM)
2:26 PM. As Duane said, this is a post-season… a time to return to normality… a season of joy that is past and joy that is ahead. And why not joy in the midst of this time? You expected sun and melting today, and it is grey, cold, and dreary. Appreciate the seasons that are more than those that could be or might have been.

Each season is one in which wisdom and foolishness must be balanced. There is no law or rule that can tell you how to do this. Even what I, as Jesus, say in the Gospels only tells you to be wise… and then be foolish… for there is a season for wisdom and yet another for foolishness.

Does the admonition of Micah help? Is this a season to do justice? Is justice for some ultimately injustice for others? Doesn’t too much justice bring a call for mercy, which you should love? If you succeed in doing justice can you still walk humbly with Me? Of course it is possible, but it is hard to succeed and still be humble.

SUN., JAN. 6, 1985, 6:57 AM

The referent for “seasons” in this title is both the seasons of the year and the season in your (and My) co-favorite Scripture of Ecclesiastes. Seasons indicate a rhythm and a recurrence, rather than a path from something to something else. When applied to life this does seem to conflict with the orthodox birth-life-death-judgment-heaven or hell. Let’s just say, this morning, that they are complementary truths.

As you look out at the snow and go through the procedures for providing heat in this old house . . .

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