The “Invisible World”

FRI., FEB. 23, 1996, 5:55 AM

This earth scene is quite a complex one, including all that is knowable through the senses and the brain. But you have a developing sense that what you can hear and see, and know therefrom, is only a portion of this earth world. Since the development of science and its focus on the measurable, the quantifiable, there has been little attention to the “rest of life”.

Now I will admit that science did become aware of microscopic life, in its myriad forms. The main focus has been on those forms that seem to cause infection and disease in humans, with less attention to the forms essential for the processing of food… and those necessary for plants to grow and then die, decay, and become another part of the growing process.

Despite a lot of anecdotal evidence, however, there isn’t much scientific proof that angels, spirit guides, and other spiritual beings, including Me, are active in this earth environment. And there never will be scientific proof, for we don’t act in ways that can be measured. But we do share this small planet with you humans and your microbes, and with everything else that is obviously knowable.

You will be part of a study focus in your church during this Lenten period, a focus on angels. You will have a chance to tell one of the dramatic stories from the Scriptures, the rescue of 3 young Hebrews from death in a super-hot fiery furnace. This is a story of rescue, of having some unexplainable control over heat and fire. There is no scientific explanation for 3 men to have been in and walked out of such a physically destructive situation, without burns or singes, even. Angels have such power, but they only use it as I wish.

Now I can’t absolutely control every complex human-related situation, so angels have a certain amount of discretion as they are acting for Me. And, as I have told you, angels aren’t all equally capable. They all want to serve Me. They have chosen not to have and exercise the sort of free will that I allow most of you humans to have. Some incapabilities are from inexperience, but some just represents the diversity that I value in all of creation.

Angels are no more all alike than are humans… or dogs. A few have a chance to take bodily form for some task. Some of these will appear to be male, but, like unto the current good depiction of angels on television, others may appear as females, functioning better with a female body and appearance. (Because women were not considered equal with men in the times and the culture of the Bible the accounts of angels are mostly of those who appear to be male. Such an appearance is for the task only.) Angels, like Me, are actually fully male and fully female, with the good characteristics of each sex manifested.

FRI., FEB. 23, 1996, 5:55 AM

This earth scene is quite a complex one, including all that is knowable through the senses and the brain. But you have a developing sense that what you can hear and see, and know therefrom, is only a portion of this earth world. Since the development of science and its focus on the measurable, the quantifiable, there has been little attention to the “rest of life”.

Now I will admit that science did become aware of microscopic life, in its myriad forms. The main focus has been on those forms that . . .

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