The Jews As Analog

WED., FEB. 21, 1996, 9:03 AM

The journey through Isaiah is at least nearing a close, and I want you to see some value in the time and attention spent. It has not been a sparkling spiritual experience, but you all have read and even pondered it, chapter by chapter, and had some fair discussions on what I had Isaiah proclaim. Today I want to offer you a perspective that should be helpful in putting the work in a useful context.

I realize, of course, that you don’t have much aloha for the Jews, in this historical and religious context. You really don’t relate very fully to the various ups and downs that is the essence of the Old Testament story. You accept Me as the Triune God, even before I came as Jesus, and therefore I have the right to do whatever I did, as those stories indicate. I chose Abraham and, hence, his descendants. It wasn’t a peaceful, obedient story from then on. These chosen people couldn’t seem to be what I wanted them to be and do what I wanted them to do. Was that My fault? Certainly, at the base it was.

I let them go into slavery, and then I brought them out, with Moses and Aaron. Though Moses was seen, eventually, as My hero, I judged him more harshly. You don’t relate well at all to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his brothers, Moses, Aaron, and Joshua. They just are Jews and part of the Jewish story.

You relate well with David, and don’t even consider him as a Jew. You like Solomon as the writer of Ecclesiastes, and he, too, doesn’t seem to be Jewish. Then comes the New Testament, in your present spirit/picture of the Bible. Jesus is born as a Jew, but because of your Christian heritage He really isn’t just Jewish. He doesn’t seem to comply with Jewish customs and rituals. In the temple or synagogue He seems more like a Christian preacher than a Jewish rabbi. In Him I came as the Messiah, and this people of Mine, generally, did not accept Me, as such.

Though My disciples and Paul were technically Jews they became Christians by maintaining I was and am the Holy One of God. Most of the Jews remained Jews. The Christian message was picked up by the Gentiles. And even Isaiah said that My Word would do just what I wanted it to do. The New Testament story seems, to you, to be a repudiation of the Jews. Well, in a way it is, but continue to accept that My covenant with them still holds. But the Christian covenant is the more powerful, relevant one, for you.

My message today, then, is that the Jews of the Old Testament are, for you as a 20th century Christian, primarily an analog for all humans. I have created and blessed all of humankind. I am responsible for all that happens to humans, by direct intervention or indirect allowing of “natural” happenings. Some, of this great overpopulation of humans can seem to be blessed, while others seem to be punished. As I had Isaiah say, My thoughts are way beyond your thoughts, and you can never understand all of My actions… or inactions. I sometimes punish out of justice… and sometimes as a test of spirit, a means to growth. I sometimes reward because of merit… and sometimes, also, as a test of spirit, and another way to increase.

I am quite aware of many who relate to Me very minimally or not at all. I am aware of many who relate to Me in myriad, non-Christian ways. How I feel about this is not of importance to you. Just remember the analog: with all of you I punish, I reward, and I just let you be, as you are. I see what happens to spirits, and I’m basically satisfied with My actions and your reactions. My perspective is that this earth scene is perfectly imperfect, and that’s how I want it.

WED., FEB. 21, 1996, 9:03 AM

The journey through Isaiah is at least nearing a close, and I want you to see some value in the time and attention spent. It has not been a sparkling spiritual experience, but you all have read and even pondered it, chapter by chapter, and had some fair discussions on what I had Isaiah proclaim. Today I want to offer you a perspective that should be helpful in putting the work in a useful context.

I realize, of course, that you don’t have much aloha for the Jews, in this . . .

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