The Joy Of Aging

SUN., OCT. 11, 1992, 4:09 PM

It is true that for some humans aging is not a joyous experience… and you realize that, being just into the real aging process, you may have some non-joyous experiences. Some have physical difficulties, some have pains of various sorts, some seem to lose their identity as they move along in age, and, most seriously, some lose or never develop that perspective on life that sees aging as a joyous prelude to the continuation of non-incarnated spiritual life.

You just have experienced joy in being recognized as an elderly health educator with a minor talent that you’re quite willing to share. You dedicated the presentation to Me, and I helped you pare it down so that it was balanced in a shorter time period. It was well done, and a fine indication of what a senior professional can do.

So let’s go back and review ways in which you should be feeling joy in this 67th year of your life as Bob Russell. You have a few physical imperfections and minor disabilities, but you seem to be overcoming them with some time. Your body still heals pretty well, and that should be a reason for joy. Change the things that are actually possible, and accept and live with others that may be less serious as you don’t focus on them.

Feel joy that you have received enough awards from these various organizations to show that you have been appreciated. Proper aging doesn’t have you coveting honors you haven’t received, but being satisfied with what you have. You have not been a participating professional as some others have, and you know you don’t deserve service awards. Accept this. I know you do, but I just want you to know that this is what I advise.

You have an identity as a professional, and this is reinforced with each annual convention. Yet part of joyful aging is the relinquishing of this identity, and developing and accepting another or other identities. Remember that you have one that not many others have or realize they have. You are My called servant, and I am with you constantly. You can never be alone, lonely, and without hope and guidance. This could be so only if you deliberately stay away and consciously reject My overtures and speak no more of Me… and that’s unlikely to happen!

You told various people about your continued love of teaching, with its special significance in these last years of your career. You are seeing aging as a positive contribution to your teaching effectiveness, and this attitude helps to insure that it is so. You needn’t seek other challenges. Just enjoy the ones that are familiar and that you meet quite well.

Four generations are now yours to recognize and in which you can interact. Continue to communicate joy to your parents as you write (and visit). Appreciate and interact with those in your church and community who are older than you are, more infirm, and closer to earth life’s end. Be especially relative to those in your age group, for some of these need to be reminded of the joy that should be evident in this age segment.

The generation of your children and the young professionals is a special one, but they may not have all of the obvious success they expected. It is hard to encourage joy when life does not seem as generous as it should have been. Be sure and keep in touch with Matthew and support him in attempts to lead a more joyous life. He has the means, obviously. He just has to decide how to do it and then persevere.

SUN., OCT. 11, 1992, 4:09 PM

It is true that for some humans aging is not a joyous experience… and you realize that, being just into the real aging process, you may have some non-joyous experiences. Some have physical difficulties, some have pains of various sorts, some seem to lose their identity as they move along in age, and, most seriously, some lose or never develop that perspective on life that sees aging as a joyous prelude to the continuation of non-incarnated spiritual life.

You just have experienced joy in being recognized as an . . .

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