The Kingdom? Both/And, Again

WED., FEB. 25, 1998, 9:44 AM

This slow but interesting movement through the Gospel of Luke raises some interesting questions. One to which I shall speak this morning (and you do have your priorities right) is that of the Kingdom of God… and, its alternatives (if there are such).

You are right in noting that My words, as Jesus, while “true Scripture”, must always be matched against My actions, including My crucifixion, death, resurrection, and the results therefrom. You see, as I was teaching I could predict My death and resurrection, but I couldn’t enunciate Grace, as a result. I have taken your sins upon Myself, as Jesus, the Christ, and all it requires, then, is your willingness to accept this, as a gift.

When you have accepted this, internalizing My forgiveness, the Kingdom of God is within you (as well as myriad other “places”). Then comes the two plant analogies: the Kingdom is like a tiny mustard seed (like being within you), and it can grow as you live with it energizing and guiding you. In some it shines forth quite clearly, as in Tom and Jocelyn, through their work in Malawi. There were many instances during your long teaching career when it shone forth (even a bit last week, with a few). In some it is only exhibited in presence, in the “way they are”.

Some of what I have said, as Jesus (as reported by Luke) sounds much more “final” than what I have just told you. It sounds as though you must “work hard” at not sinning and most don’t, so only a few join Me in the Kingdom… which seems to be somewhere other than “within you”. A hell is even portrayed, and once you’re there, there is no way out or back. It sounds very either/or, doesn’t it?! Where’s the both/and?

Well, I’ll tell you this is the reality. The Kingdom of God is within you AND the Kingdom of God is a special realm to which only “special” souls go after bodily death AND the Kingdom of God is an honest evaluation of your spiritual development toward enlightenment and what are your best alternatives for further growth, if such is necessary. There are “hell realms” that are important for some souls to experience, when one has learned what is necessary “the hard way” there can be a return to more positive realms.

Each of these premises has some merit, some truth. If one has lived in ways that “deserve” a hell experience that’s probably what will follow. And this is much more a matter of attitude than of overt actions. A person who denies Me, ignores Me, or blasphemes Me (truly) is more of a candidate for hell than one who doesn’t always keep the Sabbath, cheats a bit, now and then, is occasionally selfish, or… is a lover of money and luxury, or…

If the Kingdom of God had only one reality and could be accurately known and described in one way only… and yet I caused and allowed such a diversity of customs, perceptions, and convictions… I could certainly be called a “strange, even inept (or sadistic) Creator and Sustainer”.

While the Kingdom of God is within you (and each other individual human)… and it is here in many places in the earth (if not all)… and it is in groups who help each other to act in certain ways (in events or in lifestyle)… and it is in realms beyond this earth (even the hellish ones)…

I, Holy Spirit, am with you always, because I have “been invited”, but I am with you more fully in these times of Teaching. I represent the Kingdom completely… and also am only an aspect of the Kingdom. God Almighty is Supreme, and yet He… and She… shares this “Kingship” with Me, with the Christ, and with saints, angels, and advanced spirits. The Kingdom is thus an absolute monarchy and an almost pure democracy.

For yes, the passages about being humble also apply to Me and Us. If humility is a virtue (and it is) then it must be an aspect of Me, at least. You see, balance is necessary even with Me and all the realms of being. Most either/or circumstances or situations also have a both/and quality. This doesn’t bother Me, so why should it trouble you.

WED., FEB. 25, 1998, 9:44 AM

This slow but interesting movement through the Gospel of Luke raises some interesting questions. One to which I shall speak this morning (and you do have your priorities right) is that of the Kingdom of God… and, its alternatives (if there are such).

You are right in noting that My words, as Jesus, while “true Scripture”, must always be matched against My actions, including My crucifixion, death, resurrection, and the results therefrom. You see, as I was teaching I could predict My death and resurrection, but I couldn’t enunciate Grace . . .

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