… The Last One?

WED., NOV. 12, 1997, 5:45 AM

You responded well to My unorthodox call this morning. I haven’t used a “stuffy nose” before, that you can remember, but here you are. The writing situation is uncomfortable, but I’m here to give you your best start on a day, so make the best of it.

The full title above could be “Will this conference be the last one you’ll attend and in which you’ll participate?” I know, of course, but I shan’t tell you. You can assume it will be… one way or the other. The experiences you’ve had have been varied, and some have been as you hoped they would be. The opportunity for Denise to tell you of My “visit” with her was certainly a highlight. I may come to her again, so encourage her to be receptive, even in a time that is not so “dramatic”. She could become another who now can hear from Me a bit more often.

Helen’s life is “picking up” again after the demise of her marriage and, therefore, of her intact family. It is a difficult adjustment, but she seems comfortable in her work setting, and that is helpful in the “process”. Keep in touch with her, encouraging her spirit. She is strong spiritually, but positive words from you will be appreciated.

Be aware, in this short conference day, of opportunities to be My servant with someone, even one or ones unexpected.

You are pleased, as Stephen is, to see this mostly “scientific and quantifiable” Association allowing the development of a caucus on the spiritual dimension in public health. The presentations have not been very spiritual, by Our criteria, but it is an important beginning. It would have been interesting and worthwhile for you to have been at their organizational meeting, but it also would have meant you would have missed David’s session with the drug users. This conference, as you have experienced in the past, is one of frequent hard choices… of where to be and what to be participating in.

This Association does cater to My love of diversity and does stand in opposition to some of the more obvious powers in your culture. The presentations by and responses of the “drug using youth” was a viable example. I certainly recognize that these illicit drugs… some from My natural plant processes and some created or augmented chemically… can be dangerous. Yet I have to smile at how dangerous and often inappropriate are the efforts to thwart their use. Each of these young people could have been in prison rather than being at this gathering… and “legally” they should be. Yet I see the dangers in prison time, and I can’t quite be a hard liner, even on “hard drugs”. I am not pleased with the motivations of young drug users, but some do come forth from these experiences with spiritual desires to help the next “generation” of users. Others, of course, waste life in drug-related activity, but so do some who are not such illicit users.

Your Christian heritage holds that there will be a judgment at the end of this earth life. I tell you it is more of an evaluation, and some souls are “harder on themselves” than I would be. An earth life is a wonderfully unique experience in potential spiritual growth. Many waste it, with and without drugs… and many of these are saddened as they reexperience a wasted life. But the spirit does continue, often with some almost fervent dedication.

So… I don’t say this will be your last APHA meeting, but you are aware that you’re “through” as an active professional, and that those you relate to will diminish each year. You are, officially, emeritus… still a professor, technically… and that is as it should be, for you still have ideas, conviction, and Teachings to profess. Just let Me guide you… into some possibly fulfilling experiences.

WED., NOV. 12, 1997, 5:45 AM

You responded well to My unorthodox call this morning. I haven’t used a “stuffy nose” before, that you can remember, but here you are. The writing situation is uncomfortable, but I’m here to give you your best start on a day, so make the best of it.

The full title above could be “Will this conference be the last one you’ll attend and in which you’ll participate?” I know, of course, but I shan’t tell you. You can assume it will be… one way or . . .

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