The Letter… And A “Birthday”

FRI., MAY 26, 1995, 6:41 AM

Russell’s Law kicked in again! You spent much time and effort searching for that important letter from Andy, and to no avail. It, like the manuscript of 16 years ago, was nowhere. It had to be somewhere, and you looked in those places where it would be. No success. Then, when you were not looking for it… honestly not looking for it… there it was, in plain sight on the table by the lounge chair. You have been intending to write to her all week, because the letter was one that should have been answered promptly.

It was interesting to you that some of the vital information, that you remembered being in the letter, actually was in the Teaching about your letter to her. It as I, the Holy Spirit, who applauded the suggestion of your staying with Andy and Al at least part of the convention. You and Andy are two of My chosen ones, different in many ways, but very similar in your receiving these Teachings from Me. You both are amazed at how much alike they are, in both content and style. I do want you both to continue to share, and I do want you to have some time together, before, during, or after the convention next Fall.

It was also not in your memory, accurately, that it was I Who let you know, through this Teaching of hers, that she has not revealed this “gift” to her husband nor to her parents. In the analogy I used, she is still “in the closet,” for her family. Should this be the time to “come out”? She is bothered by this, and I do understand, for I know you both, obviously, and I know the culture of which you are a part. Through your Ruminations (Our, actually) you have at least opened the door for yourself. Andy has not yet done something comparable, and it is scary to contemplate. I don’t want her to be called a “religious nut” any more than I want you to be so tagged.

You are thankful that Lenore is so accepting of this spiritual path of yours. You were surprised at how completely your father has accepted this, and how much he appreciates the Teachings and the Ruminations. You are pleased that son John Patrick is a devotee, accepting the Teachings along with his Catholic faith. Matthew, your unchurched son, seems more receptive of My insights than do either sons Bob or Michael. For some people, relatives and friends… and for most of your students… you still are “in the closet.” Oh, and for most of your fellow Presbyterian church family.

Many who know about this “gift” say nothing about it. You see, it is about equally hard for a non-religious person and a person committed to a particular religious doctrine and tradition to accept “a mystic in their midst.” I know all of this, of course, but I can’t resist the fun of anointing a few folks, “from time to time,” and putting you amongst those who have a hard time accepting you as “one who really does Hear.”

So, you and Andy will have to work this out. I’ll help, but she’ll have to decide. Go along with whatever seems best, in her situation.

FRI., MAY 26, 1995, 6:41 AM

Russell’s Law kicked in again! You spent much time and effort searching for that important letter from Andy, and to no avail. It, like the manuscript of 16 years ago, was nowhere. It had to be somewhere, and you looked in those places where it would be. No success. Then, when you were not looking for it… honestly not looking for it… there it was, in plain sight on the table by the lounge chair. You have been intending to write to her all week, because the letter was one . . .

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