The Letter And The Manuscript

MAY 21, 1979, 6:17 AM

Rhythm. I pondered the juxtaposition of two events as yesterday began. First had come the message of commission, the startling, rolling command to be a synthesizer, to be a messenger for this time. It brought apprehension, but it also brought a Wow! Feeling. Exultation was the main feeling. I was to be the messenger of the Spirit. I am to be in the mind of Christ. Zowie!

Then I slid the letter and manuscript into the blue letter box, and almost immediately realized I had not put on the stamps. How could I be so dumb! I am brought down from my exultation. I think now of what I must do. Wait? Rewrite?

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

And so the rhythm progresseth. Rhythm is the new concept of health. Adaptation is still useful, but is jerky and self-directed. Harmony has a feeling of placidness, lacking movement, lacking disharmony. No… a state of health is a state of rhythm, experiencing the downs as thoroughly, as fully… as the ups.

I wait upon the Spirit, the Lord, for these directions. Are there some things I must do, or do I wait upon the Spirit, the Lord, for the manuscript problem, too?

It is disquieting to lose the flow of words, but this, too, is part of the rhythm.
(The above three sentences were written by Bob Russell, as he waited for the Spirit)

The world waits for new messages, new interpretation of old truths, new insights into its concerns. There are words of wisdom waiting to be in the world.

The time is now. The WORD is rhythm, it seems. The Spirit moves… dances. We respond, and yet we also have our own individual rhythms. Both are real. Both are true. Both are part of the rhythm.

The sun shines, and the rain falls. The air is warm, and the air is cool. The seasons are… in a rhythm of being and becoming.

Important!? (the word can be a declaration and a question… a powerful YES, and a whimpering wonder). More important than any other concept, and you, my son, shall develop it and nurture it, and bring it into being… into flower. There is much to it, and you must live it as well as expound it. You must recognize it and must search it out. It applys to all that you teach, in all that you do. Realize it. Extol it. Critique it. Be its builder, along with me.

Thus saith the Lord, the Spirit. I shall come again.

A simple Amen.

(In these few early Teachings, Bob Russell would interject an occasional line into the Teaching, as he waited for the Spirit’s words to form)