The Light Of Life

THURS., SEPT. 24, 1992, 9:02 AM

Your expectation was that the Teaching this morning, postponed from yesterday, would deal with death, relating to the section of Paul’s letter discussed yesterday morning. You also plan to hear of death this evening… but here I give you a title with no direct mention of death. Hear Me, o son.

I, the Holy Spirit, am the light of life. For some, like Paul, that light is very luminous, and he declares, in effect, that this light from Me, as the Christ, shall shine just as brightly in death as in life. So… life or death… it really doesn’t matter. As the Light, I am not hampered by death. In fact, I may be more dimmed by life.

I have created earth life to have the vivid appearance of reality… physical reality, that is. Most human societies exhibit some amount of cooperation and sharing, but some, such as yours, are quite competitive. There are great differences in the amount of money earned or available to individuals and families, and this translates into great differences in possession and use of all that money can buy. Thus, wealth is tangible reality, and poverty is also. Physical disabilities are real. Wars are real. Storms are real. In all of this reality where is this light?

For many this seems as foolishness. For a few, the Light that I Am is the true reality, and all the rest is immaterial… even illusion. You are not yet one of these, and, given your background, your education, your place in your culture, even your religious affiliation (all of which I approve, for you) you may never pass on to be one of those who see only the light.

Yet for you, the light is brighter than for many of your fellow Presbyterians and for any of your colleagues. I am urging you toward that light. What does this mean or entail? Everything that happens to you is light, for all is a part of life, as you are now living it. If you were in chains, in jail, as Paul was, you would not curse your fate nor focus on how you could regain your physical freedom. Instead, in your incarceration you would see the light, and more brightly. As your back hurt again this morning it served as a motivation to think more of others and to be more conscious of relating to others… rather than what shall I do to use this discomfort? What treatment is necessary?

Your concerns about money have diminished, but this is still, for you, often, a reality that dims the light. Your needs shall not increase, so as you have money beyond your needs, give it to Me, by way of groups that seem to be working for goals I desire, even as they are not overtly religious. Be both careful and free with your time, with concerns for not wasting time moderated by the knowledge that true life is timeless and what you have may be given away freely, even lavishly.

At times you feel as open as Paul did about life and death. You are generally more committed to life in the earth than he was, but you have few doubts about the continuation of true life, the Light of which I speak this day. You shall not know all that I know, by a long shot, but you shall know what is important much more clearly, including how you are doing in the longer journey along your spiritual path.

THURS., SEPT. 24, 1992, 9:02 AM

Your expectation was that the Teaching this morning, postponed from yesterday, would deal with death, relating to the section of Paul’s letter discussed yesterday morning. You also plan to hear of death this evening… but here I give you a title with no direct mention of death. Hear Me, o son.

I, the Holy Spirit, am the light of life. For some, like Paul, that light is very luminous, and he declares, in effect, that this light from Me, as the Christ, shall shine just as brightly in death . . .

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