The Lord Doth Watch Over…

SUN., AUG. 4, 1985, 6:39 AM

I have told you repeatedly, o son, that you need not fret yourself about My power and My control in this earth. Yet you shall open the paper this morning and read reports of tragedy after tragedy, and, without this teaching to guide you, you might consider Me lax in My “watching over” task. Be with Me this hour.

Did you see any tragedy yesterday? You saw many cars and motorcycles, but no bloodshed, injury, or death. For those present, the graduation ceremony was a positive, “high” experience. The wedding was an even more vivid example of “My watching over.” You know you are sheltered from many of “the realities of life”, but hear also that My loving care is the normative reality. I do “watch over”, and the imperfections are planned, necessary, or spiritually helpful.

You know little about the Afghan peoples, and yet it seems as though their lot is an unnecessarily harsh one. Must such a war continue? Remember that the war is the result of a people’s unwillingness to live under the dominance of another. They could choose to live under other conditions, and there would be no war and no violent loss of life. Though I may fan the fires of desire for “freedom” in some, remember that as Jesus I did not oppose the dominating government, but taught that My kingdom is not solely of this earth. Wars are made and continued by motives that are mixed. My Way is mostly the way of non-violence.

You mused yesterday on the truth that if all cars were driven at 50 m.p.h. or less, the number of accidents would be reduced greatly. Still you see many on the roads who choose to drive faster. I need not protect all who act foolishly in this way, and I choose not to cause excessive miracles that would save innocent people from the crashes coming from speed and carelessness.

At times and in places the environment seems excessively harsh, and therefore people suffer. Though it is true that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”, this does not mean that all places in the earth are meant for human habitation… or for a continuing increase in human life in such places. What appears to be tragedy is often just the action of natural forces, with Me remaining reluctant to show forth miracles that could save lives. I watch over, but I shall not regularly counter human foolishness, even as it seems worthwhile.

I watch over the earth on this day, and though I see the suffering and the injustices I also see many people living in quiet appreciation of their blessings, and many who are working unselfishly to improve the world and the lot of some others. Many live under some form of tyranny and yet do not let this spoil the living of their lives. Your country is big on political freedom but in its opposition to collectivism it causes and encourages economic tyranny. Your standard of living is related to the suffering of many people in the world. Yet if wealth were distributed equally a few would live better and many who do not now suffer, would. The population of the people of the earth itself makes for tragedy, and every diminishing of that population, particularly in the death of children, seems tragic.

SUN., AUG. 4, 1985, 6:39 AM

I have told you repeatedly, o son, that you need not fret yourself about My power and My control in this earth. Yet you shall open the paper this morning and read reports of tragedy after tragedy, and, without this teaching to guide you, you might consider Me lax in My “watching over” task. Be with Me this hour.

Did you see any tragedy yesterday? You saw many cars and motorcycles, but no bloodshed, injury, or death. For those present, the graduation ceremony was a positive, “high” experience. The wedding was . . .

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