The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away

MARCH 14, 1980, 5:28 AM

Welcome, o son, on a morning that you had decided was not for us.  Who chose?  You really cannot tell, can you?  Could you really stop right now and pack your bags… or go back to bed?  If yes, at what price?  Yet you are free in this earth, now aren’t you?  Free… except that I give and I take away.

Remember that, fundamentally, this is My world.  There are other forces than Mine, but none have the significance of Mine… none can overcome Mine.  I am in charge.  I share ultimate power with no one.  I give and I take away.  Thus sayeth the Lord.

Now though this is true I certainly do not spend all of eternity proclaiming this.  I don’t need to.  Just occasional gentle reminders will do.  The soft, accepting facets of My nature are more apt to show forth.  It may often seem, as in My life as Jesus, that I am weak and losing out.  Don’t you believe it!  I don’t always use My power, but it never diminishes… particularly in relation to all other powers.

Know this:  if there is something you want and something you pray for… if I want you to have it, you shall have it, and if I don’t want you to have it I take it away.  I give and I take away.  It is often not for you to know reasons why.  But if you pray and bring it to My attention… and the prayer need not be prepared, long, nor eloquent… I decide whether or not it shall be.  Be aware of this.

If you do not pray, then what?  Actually your spirit may call out to Me even if your conscious mind and your life be dumb.  I may still influence.  Or it may be a “free” situation where I simply allow what is to be as it will be.  The world is set up to operate without My direction.

There are forces which you can identify as good, neutral, or evil.  Apparent evil forces have the potential and the power to lead to Me.  Are they still evil?  In quality and content… yes.  In effect… no.  This is the way I choose to attain balance in this world.

You read some sermons, last evening, of My servant, Ken Rewick.  Certainly some have said… and some will continue to say… that he shouldn’t have left this earth so early.  Why was not his a longer life, considering all he had to give?  But do you who know him and who benefitted from his life also ask, “Why was he given to us at all?”  Consider and appreciate the gift.  Dwell not upon the possibility of its being better or longer.

Consider that many people in your life – past, present, and future – are gifts from Me.  This day is given by Me.  People can be “taken away”.  Even this day can be so taken.  So be aware of what is given.  Mourn, but briefly, that which is taken, and then focus again on what is given.  Be aware and appreciate on this many sided trip ahead.  Come to Me often, and I shall give… or I shall take away.  Can you but bless My name?  Travel well… with My gifts.

6:22 AM