The Lord Is Waiting

JUNE 17, 1979, 6:35 AM

Yes, o son, the Lord is waiting for you. The Spirit that teaches from the mind of the Universe awaits your attention. And here it is. Hallelujah!

It is important to know, with assurance, that the Lord, the Spirit does wait upon you. It is vital to be part of this “rhythm of the spheres” in which the Mighty and All Powerful God remains thus, but still comes forth (and down… it truly is both) for an hour’s chat with you. It does not tarnish My Majesty to do this. One of My important essences (for there can be no single essence for Me) is in being part of the intimate being of certain souls, some by My initiative (such as you, o favored son) and some from the person’s initiative and persistent call.

Sometimes (as now) the person listening “tunes me out”, either directly through other thoughts or indirectly by trying to hear but beginning to doubt the validity of what is heard. Know, o doubter, that you are not the first who has felt these pangs. Know also that I can use these thoughts of doubt for instruction. For slowly you shall come to awareness… and then knowledge… of My Will and Way… with you and with the world… and with worlds. Doubting is part of the rhythm, just as confidence is. You have confidence, but you also have doubt. This is the rhythm of health that you are learning.

Yes, follow up on one of Our initial thoughts now. As it is for Me to be Mighty and yet wait patiently for you, so must you be as life develops. In your profession, in the university you have, and will, become mighty. Acknowledge that and use it to Our advantage, yours and Mine. But balance it with humble waiting upon learners in need. You have done this well, sometimes… and “left undone those things which you ought to have done” with others. Yes, this, too, is rhythm.

It is not so much a matter of your trying to do better, but a matter of being more aware and seeing the opportunities I present to you. Then, as you develop the rhythm, your way and your actions shall become, more naturally, those like unto Mine. (I could have said “approximating”… I know that word… but I also like some of the older ways of phrasing, too).

Recognize, continuously, that “Better” is not in one direction only. “Better” is not just being available, being humble, being prostrate. “Better” is being in the rhythm. There are times when you shall leave learners floundering and move away to realms of greatness. Then, naturally (you begin to see), your humble waiting is of greater value. This is true here, as it is at the university, and as it shall be all through this week. In being humble, forget not your greatness. And build that greatness further.

JUNE 17, 1979, 6:35 AM

Yes, o son, the Lord is waiting for you. The Spirit that teaches from the mind of the Universe awaits your attention. And here it is. Hallelujah!

It is important to know, with assurance, that the Lord, the Spirit does wait upon you. It is vital to be part of this “rhythm of the spheres” in which the Mighty and All Powerful God remains thus, but still comes forth (and down… it truly is both) for an hour’s chat with you. It does not tarnish My Majesty to do this. One of My . . .

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