The Lord’s Laughter

FRI., APR. 19, 1991, 7:32 AM

Another presentation on spirit, laughter, and health looms. Your central task is to reduce what you have to a shorter time period… and make it relevant to these young people. Know that I approve of this focus… as long as you relate it to spirit. Affirm that humor and fun are more aspects of human spirit than they are merely emotions. Use that term – psychospirituoneuroimmunology – for its fun value as well as its truth.

The Lord’s laughter rings out over the earth. Now that’s a strange statement, given the suffering, disease, and disaster that is the bedrock of news each day. I affirm it, still, for, as I have told you often, I enjoy this earth. While I do see all of this selfishness and negative behavior, I also see much that brings forth smiles and laughter. And I urge you to do the same. Don’t ignore those negative aspects of life, but attune yourself to My smiling Being and, with Me, experience the joy! of life.

You can look at the algae on your pond as some problem to solve or you can, with a laugh, see it as a temporary form of beauty, heralding the warmth of Spring. It also can be a nutritious food for your chickens, so smile as you go through the awkward harvesting movements.

I liked your affirmation last evening that when you appreciate all of the extra responsibilities and tasks you have had this week in the spirit of Now! you realize what fun life is. And you wonder whether you could retain such a spirit of interpretation in a situation of failure or pain. What if your teaching style were not appreciated? What if the pain and disability in your back should return? Do you have the spiritual reserve that you talk about to laugh… because you see this failure or this pain as merely a blip in the panorama of your life? You hope that you won’t have to be tested in this way. Know, however, that you have been alerted.

Your interpretation of the meeting this week was that the courses you are teaching now, with enjoyment, are probably those you shall have for the rest of your career. This is a pleasure rather than a bore. The challenge is to seek a few new or modified activities for each class… and enjoy doing those that go well with each group. Don’t settle into a rut, but don’t change procedures that work. Laugh, increasingly, at the fact that you are paid well for this enjoyable life

( 8:14 AM / 3:02 PM )

It shall be appropriate for you to share with the group tomorrow your knowledge that I, as the Triune God, do have a sense of fun and humor. I have created humans so that they can laugh as well as cry… so that they can recognize situations that are funny… individuals differing from one another, of course. Humans are in My image, and this does include this capacity to enjoy the fun times in life. This is more a matter of spirit than it is of the emotions, but it is, actually, a combination.

The Lord’s laughter is great laughter. It is the laughter of genuine appreciation, which sees weakness as both lamentable and laughable. Spirit knows when humor… jokes, stories, or tricks… is acceptable and desirable, and when it is degrading and harmful. Continue to be aware of the distinction, sometimes difficult to discern.

It is OK for you to admit that you are not a natural comedian, clown, or humorist. But then admit that you do have fun in life and you do appreciate good humor and varieties of fun. Some will be better at doing what you’re attempting, and they should be so encouraged.

FRI., APR. 19, 1991, 7:32 AM

Another presentation on spirit, laughter, and health looms. Your central task is to reduce what you have to a shorter time period… and make it relevant to these young people. Know that I approve of this focus… as long as you relate it to spirit. Affirm that humor and fun are more aspects of human spirit than they are merely emotions. Use that term – psychospirituoneuroimmunology – for its fun value as well as its truth.

The Lord’s laughter rings out over the earth. Now that’s a strange statement, given the . . .

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