The Many Faces Of Reality

WED., MAR. 16, 1994, 8:46 AM

The first title you saw was a question, “What, finally, is reality?” That would seem to have too brief and easy an answer, from My perspective… but, more importantly, I want you to be aware that ultimate reality is just one form. There are many facets of reality, and this is what I shall talk with you about this morning, o ill-prepared son.

Certain forms of reality are before you – a mug, a videotape, a green ginger plant – with each being different from the others. Ultimately each is a form of energy, both like and unlike you, yourself. Love is quite a different face of reality – love that you feel for some others and love that is directed at you, by some others. Betwixt and between are many other faces of reality, as well as a lot of illusions, misperceptions, and other phenomena not fully qualified as reality.

The “you” that is much more than the Bob Russell of this earth life is still within an imperfect body, and is now somewhat limited by this body… but only somewhat. There is much that you can do, beyond what you actually accomplish, and then I tell you, again, that accomplishment is not the only criterion for earth life success. I, of course, am Final Reality, and a willingness to spend time with Me should be a high priority. What you write is not as important as being here but I allow you to write, to create a reality that may be helpful in the lives of others.

You are disappointed that the treatment regimen organized and carried out by My servant Donald has given you no relief. Just see it as part of a longer process, one of true healing. It may have contributed… or not. There is no way of knowing for sure. The more obvious reality is that your foot is very dysfunctional, and it hurts in a variety of ways. I have no objection to other possible treatments, but try to have them one at a time.

Remember, of course, that there is a mystical nature to this experience of pain and disability. However it comes out it is a spiritual experience, one not predetermined in content and outcome.

You are a minor, unorthodox mystic, but I have allowed and caused you to be such. This allows you to be part of some mystical events… and even to initiate some… but not enough to jeopardize the other life positions I need you to fill. For example, you are a professor at a reasonably large, secular university. Yet you are willing to talk about mystical events and moments in class sessions, encouraging students to share some of theirs with you. The interchange among Kelly, Amy, and Heather is a recent case in point. It didn’t involve you directly, but you did arrange for it to happen, and it is still not complete… until you let Kelly know what her part was and is. If you did more writing, it is likely that more of these mystical moments would occur. Not guaranteed, but likely.

I still want you to peruse the Teachings in mid-1987, with a somewhat open mind for a theme. Yet it may be time to supplement those 2 Teachings on the mystical and present your readers with the term, the concept, and the realities of this that has little high status in your culture. Decide soon.

Each of your students is a form of reality. It is sad that you can’t be more aware of how each is, as a developing person, but you can rejoice when some present themselves, in some way, for you to know better. Remember that part of the mystical healing process is your willingness to relate more fully with some who offer themselves, in a variety of ways. You knew that last evening in Herrin was one such event, and you accomplished that well, with that relationship with the men being particularly important. There are other, different opportunities coming along. Be aware. Grab some.

Death is a unique aspect of reality. There are many initial causes of death, but, finally, the brain is not nourished and it ceases its functioning, and all other organs follow. The body becomes a functionless mass that should be returned to the earth. That’s a reality. But the spirit is freed, in its “movements” and in its “knowledge” of all that it has been. Spirit becomes aware, but quickly and slowly, of how the life just completed (symbolized by the death) was lived and how it contributed or detracted from the growth of your spirit, outside of time. When it is your time for this experience you shall not be as surprised as many (particularly many Christians), for this reality that I share with you is preview to what you ordinarily would be missing. Continue to appreciate the many realities.

9:53 AM