The Meaning Of Seasons

FRI., JUNE 3, 1983, 8:00 AM

You have not come for instruction on this trip as you normally do, o son. I realize your schedule, and, yes, it has been a busy one, but in this next week you must accomplish what My priorities favor. Just know that this is more than a suggestion.

Seasons are a part of My creation, the earth. (The details of creation are unimportant to you… and should be to all. The important knowledge is that it is My creation… not My only one, but a good and unique one.) Out of the actualities of seasons comes the concept of seasons, which includes movement, change, repetition, and, importantly, that seasons are complementary, not competitive.

Let’s consider life and death. You are in the last half (perhaps the last third) of an earth lifetime. You have remembrances of more than fifty years of earth time, and you can note the seasons of your life. There was a time to be young, to be adolescent, to be single, to be married, to be a parent, to be a hard-working adult… to build a professional career. Now you still can work hard, but you consider, wisely, that any time can be a time to die, so that awareness and appreciation, the manifestations of spirit, become more important than hard work.

For some lives this realization comes earlier, and there is a different rhythm to those lives. Different lives exhibit different rhythms, along with the changes that are more a part of seasons. All seasons are not “perfect”. You experienced a spring that was too cool, and so certain growth shall not occur this year. Some winters are too cold and some summers too hot. Yet season follows season.

As you view the seasons of your life you are troubled only by the teenage parenting season. That was a challenge, a part of the rhythm of your life. Could it have been different? This is as useless a question as, “Could this spring have been warmer?” It could have been, but it wasn’t. The seasons have changed, and you have only the opportunity to appreciate that season and see how it can benefit this and later seasons.

Now notice that within this concept upon which you are ruminating there is “season” and “a time for”, which may be the same or may be different from one another. We have considered a season as a time of year or of a life, a period that develops from a former one and then changes into yet another, with discernibly different characteristics. “Season” also can mean changing the taste of food, which implies change without the notion of being periodic. You can season a pot of beans. Now it tastes different than the unseasoned pot, but it does not lead on to more seasoning, necessarily. (Further seasoning may actually ruin the dish.)

FRI., JUNE 3, 1983, 8:00 AM

You have not come for instruction on this trip as you normally do, o son. I realize your schedule, and, yes, it has been a busy one, but in this next week you must accomplish what My priorities favor. Just know that this is more than a suggestion.

Seasons are a part of My creation, the earth. (The details of creation are unimportant to you… and should be to all. The important knowledge is that it is My creation… not My only one, but a good and unique . . .

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