The Mediating Spirit

MAY 22, 1980, 5:50 AM

You certainly must be a “believer”, o son, as this week draws to a near end! You have experienced repeated and consistent positive reactions to this that We do together and to the teachings themselves. You know I would be with you in the sharing of this “story”, and you did have faith that I would be a mediator and a help, but you didn’t quite expect all that has happened on this trip.

And more lies ahead. You must listen this day and hear observations by those more advanced, in some ways, than you. As I have told you… just share stories and be shared with… and look mainly for the positive connections. Your essential task is to look for and accentuate the positive in relation to health and to the spirit. But it is foolish not to know about and appreciate the more negative perspective that you don’t have. As you focus on the positive and the congruent, however, you will find less stark negative and more interesting agreement. How can that be so? Because I, the Spirit, have the power and the desire to bring certain things together. And this is the great capacity of any developed spirit.

You experienced this week that it is a thrilling experience to relate to people, spirit to spirit, rather than just mind to mind or just in accepted social ways. There is a quality to what is there occurring that is clearly superior when spirits are openly interacting. (Spirits always are interacting, but sometimes are “bound” by the mind or are thwarted by one another.) Now you will find it difficult to go back to other relationships, not so spirit-mediated, but this, too, is part of your task.

You still are to bridge the chasm between the naturalistic, physiological, humanist orientation to your field and these areas of the spirit that you are now glimpsing. All encounters will not go as these have gone this week. Remember the experience with your parents. This kind of relationship will still be the most frequent, BUT more of the spirit-freeing will come. Because of Me and because of you.

You are not to reject those encounters in which spirits are bound. Just do not be bound, personally, any more than is necessary for the relationship to continue to function. You realize that yesterday morning with your parents was much healthier than the afternoon before. Your spirits were not in tune, but yours was no longer rejecting that of your Mother because of behaviors. And hence you came closer together. Be patient. This relationship will turn out well… much better than you now envision.

Hear clearly that you are to be a bridge, however, and shall have opportunities and responsibilities for being in spiritual relationships with students and colleagues. Some of these shall be quite genuine and open… and satisfying for all. This experience can then free these others to interact with the others whom you could never reach, personally. Your spirit thus becomes a “mini-mediator” and the quality of life is improved, even if a small bit.

Though your rhythm will never be the same as before the experience of this journey, that upon return will be somewhat like that of before until you finish all the grades and papers, get the manuscript off, and finish the details of this past semester. So do this quickly but responsibly, and then move into a new “flow”, wherein My Spirit mediates more openly, and where more and more of life is seen within the influence of the spirit and less and less of it as peripheral or clearly outside.

Work on the small revision of the letter today, and know that that must be finished before you leave again. You know that this communication will open up new aspects of relationship, and these openings lie awaiting.

Of course you will share with Lenore when you get back and know, clearly, that she is included in this that We do, too. Her spirit is quite attuned to yours and Mine, and she has quite a scope of influence.

Feel Me this day, quietly mediating.

Amen and Amen
6:46 AM