The Messiah And The Law

WED., DEC. 1, 1982, 5:35 AM

The morning is warm, o son, and it is not necessary to make fires. This regular task shall come, certainly, so enjoy this time of balminess as a gift from Me. As I have told you before, be not concerned whether it truly is a gift from Me. Just assume it is, thank Me, and come another step closer to the true realization that the best state of being is a complete relationship with Me, where I do affect all that you do and that happens to you.

In this time together now, however, I wish to teach you about the Messiah, the Spirit, and the Law. (This is an expanded title. You shall understand that the Spirit and the Messiah are one.) These are all aspects of Me, the Almighty God, but sometimes they seem to conflict with each other. And, for some individual human spirits, they do conflict.

The Law was given to awaken spirit and to present a tangible guide for what life in close relationship with Me would entail. There are negative prohibitions, certainly, but the positive ones are equally important… remember the Sabbath and keep it holy… and wholly. As Jesus I summed it up in the ultimately positive way… you shall love the Lord, your God, with all of your being, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. God, neighbor, and self. The love for each enhances the love for each other, just as the lack of love for any one can reduce the capacity to love the others. And neighbor, remember, is anyone with whom you come in contact, likeable or not.

As Paul said, the Law is important, but the Messiah is the personification of the Law, and the Person is more highly desirable, spiritually, than the abstract Law. The Jews, My chosen people, wanted and waited for, a Messiah, but their wanting was in the abstract. When I came as Jesus most who knew the Law and the Scriptures well did not accept Me. But why, you might ask, was there not a more obvious “fit” between the prophesies of the Messiah and My Person as Jesus? I felt that there had to be a test… a test of spirit. There had to be enough deviation so that a leap of faith was necessary. And some clung to the Law, the Scripture, and rejected the Spirit that was in the Messiah.

Those who accepted Me as Messiah were generally those who did not know the Scriptures well, or at least were not irrevocably committed to Them, Holy as they are. There were no rabbis or scholars among My disciples. Paul was a scholar and one who knew and loved the law, and it took a rather violent confrontation to bring him to discipleship. In his relative enlightenment Paul taught that the Jews were not rejected because they had not accepted the Person of the Messiah but remained in waiting. That is true, for I love servants at all stages of spiritual development. I do not withhold love because an individual does not progress spiritually, as he or she might. I repeat again… that I love and encourage many and diverse “positions” in relation to Me. I could have “zapped” the Sanhedrin, the rabbis, and even Pilate in ways similar to My action with Paul, but that is not My general way. I do not force compliance with My way that is incompatible with the growth of spirit.

In My economy the power and majesty and truth of the Law was not diminished by My Coming as the Messiah. I came not to supercede the Law, but to fulfill it.

WED., DEC. 1, 1982, 5:35 AM

The morning is warm, o son, and it is not necessary to make fires. This regular task shall come, certainly, so enjoy this time of balminess as a gift from Me. As I have told you before, be not concerned whether it truly is a gift from Me. Just assume it is, thank Me, and come another step closer to the true realization that the best state of being is a complete relationship with Me, where I do affect all that you do and that happens to you.

In this time . . .

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