The Mystical As Reality

SUN., FEB. 8, 1987, 6:24 AM

Even though your actual experiences with the mystical have been few, you have had little doubt about the reality of such events and happenings. You are not surprised by reports of mystical occurrences, even as you are, otherwise, a rather conservative member of a culture that generally denies the reality of the mystical. Hear, o son, as I tell you more of the reality that I give to mystical happenings… a help, perhaps, to this morning’s class.

The basic point, of course, is that true reality is spirit, and spirit is non-material and non-measurable… and therefore within the mystical realm. You know that the spirit of each person is, finally, a part of Me, the Holy Spirit. Each has been created for individual existence, but only some of that shall be in a human body, and even less in a time and culture that defines reality as physical and tangible. Each spirit is on some path back to Me, but the paths are many and diverse.

I interact with every spirit, but many do not acknowledge Me. Other spirit forms – guides and angels, for example – also influence the lives of humans and of one another. And just as there are “bad people”, whose actions are detrimental to the lives of their fellow humans, so there are “bad spirits”, whose actions certainly complicate the lives of many. Yet just as it is possible that some persons who are “bad” can find a new direction, often with My direct help, so spirits who are “bad” can turn around and serve Me well. Reality is always the potential for growth toward Me.

The earth plane is tangible and somewhat predictable. The human brain was created so that it can develop measurement and an understanding of how many aspects of earth life “work.” The mistake is in assuming that because there is some predictability that all can finally be predicted from knowledge. As I have told you, in the continuous struggle for authority, one authority tends to deny the reality of its competitors. Science tends to deny the mystical as real and to proclaim that its measurements and laws/principles therefrom are the true reality. You know this is not so, because I have told you… but I am a mystical source. Do not deny the value of science. Just affirm the reality of spirit, in the midst of the measurable.

Your systematic investigation of the mention of Me and of other spirits in the Gospels is not progressing as it should. This is something I want you to understand and be able to talk about, so I shall nag you until you finish. Do not use the concordance. I want you to have the actual reading experience. But let’s talk about some of the mystical that you have considered.

Some Christians are adamant about My reality as Jesus as a flesh and blood human, natural in every way (though there aren’t many characterizations of Me as a happy, laughing person). But the Gospels indicate that I, as Jesus, was fathered by Me, the Holy Spirit. Since your culture knows that there must be two cells, male and female, that come together to form a new embryo… and that I, the Holy Spirit, have no body and no sperm cells… and that if a female is induced to have a pregnancy without insemination, the off-spring is female… then I, as Jesus am mystical from the beginning, as well as tangible and historical.

SUN., FEB. 8, 1987, 6:24 AM

Even though your actual experiences with the mystical have been few, you have had little doubt about the reality of such events and happenings. You are not surprised by reports of mystical occurrences, even as you are, otherwise, a rather conservative member of a culture that generally denies the reality of the mystical. Hear, o son, as I tell you more of the reality that I give to mystical happenings… a help, perhaps, to this morning’s class.

The basic point, of course, is that true reality is spirit, and spirit . . .

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