The Mystical Is “Real”

WED., OCT. 28, 1998, 8:35 AM

Yes, o son, this religion of “Ours” is mystical, and that is the ultimate reality. It has been hard, and has taken time, for you to realize and accept this. This is partly due to the culture in which you have grown and lived… and from which you have learned. It is a culture that affirms loudly and consistently that the realities of life are humans, jobs, money, prestige, a physical environment… and, then, smog, waste, and physical insults on this earth.

There are Christians who affirm strongly and menacingly that Our religion is real because I was a real man, as Jesus, and I died a real death on the cross. The Bible is My real Word, with nothing else needed. Learn the Scriptures, live by them, and there will be a real reward, a life, now rather undefined, in close relationship with Me, the Triune God. I, as God, cannot be approached because of My Majesty and the sin of your humans, but I, as Jesus, am the Advocate for you, the Propitiation for your sins. As Holy Spirit I do and say only what I’m told by My Two other “Selves”.

Well, maybe this is a bit exaggerated, but I do love diversity, so I’ve created and allowed such perceptions of life, to contrast with others. But, remember, I come to you as Holy Spirit, described as a dove, as wind, and as fire. I come to you in a mystical process that cannot be rationally explained. Where is the “proof” that these words are Mine, not yours? You are assuming that nearly 20 years of faithful relationship and writing is some “proof”, but there is always the counter that doing a “phony thing” for many years doesn’t make it true and real.

But when the mystical is accepted as real (and not “real”) this “practice” of Ours is quite acceptable, even commendable. There can be no “proof” that what you transcribe is really Me… or even that I do elect certain humans to hear Me in unique ways. There is no dogmatic answer to, “What has Holy Spirit done lately, here in the earth?” There is the general belief that I am here, and active, but skepticism about any affirmations of actions this tangible.

The writer of Hebrews had the firm conviction, from Me, he affirmed, that the end of the age would come very soon, that suffering for belief in Me was almost necessary for final rewards, and that all of the faithful would soon be in heaven. As Richard noted, the lives of those to whom the Letter was written all died (and, presumably, went to heaven), and soon it was, “the end of an age”, but another followed… as it has for 2,000 years. There have been many “Ages”, but I continue on, with “new” humans coming along, as expected.

So when you, at your three score and ten plus 2 ½ age, read this you can accept that the end of your age may come soon. Really… it didn’t happen that earth life was over for these Hebrews. The Scriptures are a marvelous/horrendous mixture of the rational-tangible and the mystical. And, naturally, I affirm that the mystical is the genuine “real”.

You have the increasing sense, coming from Me and “allowed” by your age, that you are nearing the end of this earth life. What comes next is mystical, but you can prepare for “whatever it is”. Be less and less “fussed” over tasks such as this current bank statement. Just be assured that I, your Mystical Companion, can provide for you, and that… you have quite a lot of wealth.

Contemplate this life, and be aware… and appreciate… glimpses that I’ll offer you of life in the mystical. Don’t rush it… you’re not moving on in the near future… but attune yourself to the mystical, and be open to evidences of it, in the midst of your still middle-American life.

WED., OCT. 28, 1998, 8:35 AM

Yes, o son, this religion of “Ours” is mystical, and that is the ultimate reality. It has been hard, and has taken time, for you to realize and accept this. This is partly due to the culture in which you have grown and lived… and from which you have learned. It is a culture that affirms loudly and consistently that the realities of life are humans, jobs, money, prestige, a physical environment… and, then, smog, waste, and physical insults on this earth.

There are Christians who affirm strongly and menacingly that . . .

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