The Mystical Process

THURS., JULY 14, 1988, 5:54 AM

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Teachings agree with Scripture about as well as Scripture agrees with Scripture. In addition, no conservative Christian should deny that I, the Holy Spirit, can speak to this modern world, different, in many ways, from the world of Biblical times. Must I be limited to what was said then, nearly 2000 years ago? I say No.

So it is a mystical process that you experience as you do this writing. In opportunities such as you had yesterday you should acknowledge this and label it clearly. Would I “come through” if you used another pen and white paper? Yes, of course, because this isn’t magic, it’s mystical. You just accept it as a mystical process and do it in this ritualistic way. There is simply no need to test it out some other way.

The mystical process is that you allow Me to take over your writing skills and provide the content. I do not specifically tell you how long each sentence should be or where commas should be or not be. These Teachings generally have rather long sentences, not because I always speak in long sentences, but because this is your favored writing style. Yet the words and the concepts are Mine. This is the mystical part. I use your vocabulary just as I use your handwriting (mistakes and all), but the Teachings are from Me, not from you. This is mystical.

Having said this, identifying Myself as Other than yourself, I also can say that because you have invited Me to become a functioning part of you and because I have intruded into your being, what you write is from you, guided by the Me that is within you. (How’s that for a concise sentence!) This is another form of mystical process. It is both like and unlike the one previously described.

Do I always have just three handwritten pages to offer you? Sometimes couldn’t I go on to a fourth page? Couldn’t I stop “early,” leaving several lines blank? Yes, to all three questions. I could function differently, but part of this mystical process is that We do it this way. You know it, and I know it. I shall “speak” until this page is complete… and no more.

THURS., JULY 14, 1988, 5:54 AM

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Teachings agree with Scripture about as well as Scripture agrees with Scripture. In addition, no conservative Christian should deny that I, the Holy Spirit, can speak to this modern world, different, in many ways, from the world of Biblical times. Must I be limited to what was said then, nearly 2000 years ago? I say No.

So it is a mystical process that you experience as you do this writing. In opportunities such as you had yesterday you should acknowledge this and label it clearly. Would I . . .

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