The New Reformation, II

SUN., OCT. 24, 1982, 6:04 AM

I gave you a teaching in the recent past, o son, in which I developed the concept of a new reformation, which would be characterized by a greater concern for the earth and its myriad creatures other than humans and less concern for additional frivolous niceties for the affluent. Then you heard My servant Bob speak of a new reformation as one encouraging greater personal self esteem. The question, “Which is it?” is not relevant. Listen as I weave them together for you this cool early morning.

You see, they do fit together rather well. The goal of acquiring more consumer goods and having more things done for you is a losing way of building self esteem. Oh, having and being able to use certain mechanical creations can increase positive feelings about self for those who have them, but for most there is the greater danger of wanting more or the next expensive model and, therefore, feeling less a person because of these “lacks”.

The new reformation that I offered to you should help to alleviate this difficulty. If people can become less oriented to “more” and more oriented to enjoyment of the natural earth… keeping it beautiful and productive… there is a natural basis for the growth of self-esteem. I realize all Western peoples, because of your post-war prosperity and expectations for an ever-more benevolent future, may find this idea less than exciting… even painful to accept. Hence, as with most “arrangements” here in the earth, some shall gain from it, in personal security and happiness, and some shall lose. But the loss is a needless one. For everything there is a season…

I commend your interpretation of this new reformation in relation to the spirit… a better balance in emphasis between forgiveness and guilt. Now of course there is an ideal balance, for guilt is a proper feeling when one has sinned or in some way been less than spiritual development makes possible. Feeling this should be the stimulus for reaching out to Me, which is meeting Me reaching out to you. With appropriate repentance (which will vary with the situation) I forgive. And if I forgive, then you surely should forgive yourself. Forgiveness, then, should be a reaffirmation of your worth as a person, the true basis for behaving in selfless helping ways.

I want each of you to function as fully human persons, as I did as Jesus. I want you to grow in spiritual capacity… to be less concerned about your own wants and more attuned to the service of others in a world that has (not) been excessively manipulated to the advantage of the most greedy. To do this effectively you need to be in close relationship with Me. This closeness has many manifestations, but it is basically a reinforcing process.

SUN., OCT. 24, 1982, 6:04 AM

I gave you a teaching in the recent past, o son, in which I developed the concept of a new reformation, which would be characterized by a greater concern for the earth and its myriad creatures other than humans and less concern for additional frivolous niceties for the affluent. Then you heard My servant Bob speak of a new reformation as one encouraging greater personal self esteem. The question, “Which is it?” is not relevant. Listen as I weave them together for you this cool early morning.

You see . . .

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