The O.T. Story… On…

THURS., NOV. 9, 2000, 9:59 AM

The morning after-breakfast discussion centered on this early portion of the II Samuel, with its various forms of alliances…and deaths. I was quite active in the earth life around this story, and this included My being angry and killing, directly.

Consider what life would be like if I decided to “resurrect” My Self that is described in this continuous story. First, it is hard to “predict” how I feel about the Jews, My chosen people of some 4,000 years. Many of them still remain faithful to the practices of antiquity, but they have not accepted that I did come to the earth as Jesus… and was rejected as the Holy One by the Jews of that time. I was put to death in a shameful way, but, in three days, I arose from the tomb and was once again alive here in the earth. So there are at least three interpretations of this, in this age, anyway.

One is that I, as Jesus, was put to death, not being defended or supported by the many who had gathered to hear Me tell of God and His love for them. I could have used some of the powers I had, as God Almighty (the Father and I are One), to change the situation so that I was not crucified, but continued in a longer and more extensive earth ministry.

Another is that I wanted to “personify” one of the vital Jewish traditions – that of sacrifice. Like a lamb (rather than a lion) I gave Myself to be killed, as a sacrifice for those Jews and for all of you who have, over centuries, accepted both the significance of sacrifice and My willingness to do this for you.

A third interpretation is one most compatible with this relationship of Ours. I have always been, as Spirit, in many forms. I Am God. I Am Yahweh. I Am Allah. And I Am the Base of every form of religion on earth. (I am not equally proud of and related to all of these, but REMEMBER, I do love diversity. At one point in time I did come to earth as the Baby Jesus and then lived a few years as the adult peaching and teaching Jesus. This was one of My best ways to leave some Scripture for future Christians. (And I have no objection, as the Risen Christ, to Christians claiming to be my latter-day Chosen People. But know that have no need to be consistent, by Western ways of thinking. No description of interpretation of Me can ever limit Me.

So… I, as Holy Spirit, have been in the earth from its original and certainly since the first humans began to look beyond themselves and the earth for help in living. As God I have been, from the beginning… and as Holy Spirit, separate but equal with… and also One with the Father God. As Jesus, in spirit I also was from the beginning, as a “part” of the triune God, but I gave Myself the opportunity to incarnate and provide both ( 10:40 / 10:45 ) recorded Scriptures, a life lived for others, and the example of sacrifice… giving up something good for something better.

David tends to be the “hero” of these “Samuel stories.” I have selected him for several tasks… and, certainly, to be the most noted King of Israel. When I came into the earth as Jesus I was identified as “of the House and Lineage of David.” David was not perfect, by human or by My standards, yet he heard Me and he wanted to be My Servant. (He was somewhat similar to how you were yesterday in your environmental lecture – good, but not as good as you/he wanted to be.

An important aspect of Davids O.T. story is that I, as Yahweh, spoke to him directly, and, as Holy Spirit, I guided him, without recognition. I guide you through these Teachings. The many volumes that you now have are tangible evidence that I Am still here in the earth, communicating in a way more memorable. (Consider all that I said to David, beyond the few portions that finally were written down and became Holy Scripture.

THURS., NOV. 9, 2000, 9:59 AM

The morning after-breakfast discussion centered on this early portion of the II Samuel, with its various forms of alliances…and deaths. I was quite active in the earth life around this story, and this included My being angry and killing, directly.

Consider what life would be like if I decided to “resurrect” My Self that is described in this continuous story. First, it is hard to “predict” how I feel about the Jews, My chosen people of some 4,000 years. Many of them still remain faithful to the practices . . .

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