The “Off Ramp”… Anew

THURS., OCT. 14, 1999, 2:18 PM

It is anther beautiful Fall day, and perhaps I, Holy Spirit, did suggest that you return to this unique, quiet place for a Teaching. You look out over a campus of trees, with leaves of many colors and shades. It is a sight you continue to enjoy.

You are well along the “off ramp” of your career. Oh, you still have that small office and a mailbox… and you still have a few responsibilities and opportunities as an Emeritus professor. Yet you know that there will be a time when you turn in your keys and have no “place” that is officially “yours.” Hopefully this will come when you are quite ready to give it up… like unto the time for retirement. It was “time, and you knew it.

Now you also accept that you also are on the “off ramp” of this earth life. I helped you see, earlier in the week (and you just reread it), the “seasons” of your life and how these have been both varied and rewarding. I have dubbed it “fortunate” that you have some cancer, which is a major cause of death in your culture. This allows you to have time to appreciate life and, particularly, the life you’ve been privileged to lead and to prepare for a return to a spirit realm, one best for you.

You are quite accepting of… and do anticipate… this “movement” from life in the physical body to life in the spirit. You anticipate that you’ll find this quite familiar, a return to life as you’ve experienced on “several other occasions.” Yet it also will have the quality of being “fresh and new.” The experiences of this earth life will mesh with the others that you’ve had, in a combination that is both familiar and “quite new.”

It will seem hard to leave good friends (and you did enjoy the lunch with Dan today), but you have been a helpful influence on some of these… and you’ll be remembered. And, you can anticipate “reunion” with some spirits whose bodily passing has preceded yours. Some you’ll expect. Others will be more surprising.

You will be leaving some good contributions to your professional field, and a few of these will be “rediscovered,” even as your field is quite committed to the “new” rather than what seems to be “old.” But of course the major treasure you will leave is these volumes of Teachings and the Ruminations we have offered, Thee and Me. I call these “Treasures,” but realize that not all treasures are discovered and valued. Your only continuing “assignment” is to be faithful in the tasks of hearing Me and writing what you hear and of composing and sending out this quarterly Letter. The rest is up to Me.

This new off-ramp experience can be fun, and I want it to be, for you. Of course, you must approach it positively, even joyfully.

( 3:01 PM / 9:39 PM )

The presentations that you attended this afternoon were another “suggestion” that this culture is changing in ways with which you are not “keeping up.” Science moves ahead with genetic modification, with the premise… and the hope… that more food can be raised and made available… for a doubled world population. You feel less and less sad about “moving on,” for the future doesn’t sound appealing, to you.

I heard your analysis, as you thought it and expressed it on the way home. I, as the Triune, Almighty God, am in charge of this earth realm, and I either cause or allow all that happens. I like your affirmation (not a new one, certainly) that the fundamental essence of earth life is adaptation. Yet all forms of life are adapting, including insects and microbes. As humans seek to eliminate these, by ever new, scientific means, some of them successfully adapt and reproduce to live on, more “protected”. It sounds like a struggle, but it actually is just the normal competition for healthy life. In every form of life there are good adapters and “less capable.”

THURS., OCT. 14, 1999, 2:18 PM

It is anther beautiful Fall day, and perhaps I, Holy Spirit, did suggest that you return to this unique, quiet place for a Teaching. You look out over a campus of trees, with leaves of many colors and shades. It is a sight you continue to enjoy.

You are well along the “off ramp” of your career. Oh, you still have that small office and a mailbox… and you still have a few responsibilities and opportunities as an Emeritus professor. Yet you know that there will be a time . . .

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