The Old And The New

WED., APR. 19, 1989, 6:09 AM

Listen, o son, for your mind wanders this day. You are in a strange setting, but I am here and ready to help you start your day in the best fashion possible. It was good that you brought along that volume of Teachings, for, yes, from it shall come the material for the next Ruminations, and the title I have given you above shall be your theme. Isn’t that rather direct and convenient?

For, yes, I was involved in the stories of old, particularly those of the Old and New Testaments. And, yes, I am active in the world today and fully aware of all that is transpiring. I help maintain. I help make a few changes. I allow natural forces to operate. Decisions are not easy, but I am more than aware of how spiritual growth takes place, and this is My main criterion for action or “inaction.”

I am wherever you are, following you and leading you at the same time. I do not lead everyone… only those who ask or who consent to this close relationship. You know that it leaves you in a freer state than you would be without this boost. And thus it shall be.

Yes, you must write to My servant Mabel, as I am urging you to, telling her again and more personally of what We do together. Include some appropriate Teachings (not too many!) and probably a few excerpts from others. Tell her plainly, forcefully, and yet lovingly that I, the Holy Spirit, come to you in these words and phrases that are more modern just as I come to her in English that is more ancient. Some of My thoughts and revelations to you are different than those to her, but your influences are just different. Those who listen to Me through her hear My ancient words just fine and would turn away from these. Conversely, those who hear My modern tongue through you would not react well to the King James phrasing. You are of different generations with differing spheres of influence. I am active in each generation and in many different scenes.

I shall bless the message you shall deliver today. I want you to take this opportunity to focus on the environment as a critical dimension of health. Make your points with zeal and feeling. You North Americans are at war with the earth, and you must soon sue for peace. You must make some compromises with what technology makes possible and some sacrifices of comfort and efficiency. And this must be an active rebuilding peace, not merely a cease-fire. This is an old message but appropriate to the present time.

Another old idea that you must discuss with Mabel, yet again, is the concept of everlasting and eternal life. The interpretation I want you to understand is not in the Scriptures as such, but it is encompassed in this Christian theme of everlasting life. The question is: where does one spend this everlasting life? Mabel’s interpretation is that it just cannot be spent in the earth more than once. I tell you that this is possible and does happen. It is not important that everyone know this. It just becomes quite evident when the body dies and the spirit passes on over. A few who die return immediately. Some return under proper, considered conditions. Many prefer other realms where spiritual development is not so “competitive.” Mabel, when her time comes, may well elect to let grace be her means to rejoin Me fully and completely. She has had a devout life of Christian service, marked with both blessings and hardships. Her development is sufficient. And yet she may choose to serve again rather than take her “just reward.” She shall choose.

Modern life is full of complications. Two of your sons shall soon move as their careers improve. But moving is complex, fraught with problems at both ends. Your life has been quite peaceful, and yet now the “good times” in your Department may be in danger. You must face this with an energized spirit and the serenity I give. Do not attack it vigorously, but do not pull away from it either. I shall give you all the guidance you need, whether you seek such or not. I don’t want to lose this “resource” for turning out you people of good spirits into your profession.

WED., APR. 19, 1989, 6:09 AM

Listen, o son, for your mind wanders this day. You are in a strange setting, but I am here and ready to help you start your day in the best fashion possible. It was good that you brought along that volume of Teachings, for, yes, from it shall come the material for the next Ruminations, and the title I have given you above shall be your theme. Isn’t that rather direct and convenient?

For, yes, I was involved in the stories of old, particularly those of the Old and . . .

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