… The Old, Old Story

MON., APR. 6, 1987, 6:30 AM

Recently your thoughts turned to what seems like the repetitiveness of these Teachings. Even though the titles are quite diverse and the subjects are quite wide-ranging your thought was that there is too much sameness… too much of the same message. And naturally this causes the suspicion to arise that these are just originating in your own mind… that I, the Holy Spirit, would somehow do better than these. Hear, o son, as I slay this fear and continue with the old, old story… at least the version with which I’m blessing you.

Let’s take the Holy Scriptures as Our guide. The cultural stories are rather diverse, but the old, old story is that I created the earth and all the life now evident in a fashion so that the life continues. (Still, few Christians recognize and accept the analogy that each human soul is part of a long developmental process of spirit…. much longer than one earth lifetime.) Then I entered actively into earth life with the Jewish people (how odd of God to choose the Jews), loving them, but finding them alternately devoted and unfaithful. Finally, in the Bible story I, Myself, took human form and was born into the earth as Jesus. I lived into young adulthood and had a ministry of about three years in which I told parables, preached to crowds, talked to individuals, selected twelve disciples, healed infirmities and either knew that I was the promised Messiah, the Christ or else I didn’t. I was either put to death on a cross or decided the time and place of My death and “orchestrated” the whole matter. Or was it both?

The traditional Christian interpretation of the Bible story is one of good and evil. It is not clear how the evil arose and became so powerful. (Most do not directly accuse Me of being an imperfect, sloppy Creator, but the implication is that evil somehow snuck in when I wasn’t looking and became a force with which I must constantly contend, often unsuccessfully. I do not refute this interpretation. I just tell you that it is not the whole story.)

The old, old story that I tell you is that seemingly contradictory stories can all be true. The story I give to you is true, but it is not the only true story. The story I tell many fundamental Christians is true, even the part that says theirs is the only true story. I am both serious and full of fun when I do this. I created a solid tangible earth, with material that can be seen, felt, heard, tasted, and smelled. Yet those who study such phenomena find that solid matter is made up of molecules… atoms, sub-atomic particles… electrons. And these are more like spirit than they are like matter. Why did I do this? It was the best way. And it was fun.

The old, old story for most Christians is that I am One God, but also Three in One. I am God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I, the Holy Spirit, am always mentioned, but I’m always third and am given the least attention. (Guess who encouraged Jesus to say, “The last shall be first, and the first, last?”!) Some Christians give little credence to My being active in the earth. Others acknowledge My activity but see Me only doing predictable “things,” like healing after lengthy, emotional prayer and causing a “speaking in tongues.” Most will not trust the authenticity of these pages as a product of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of the Pharisees is still active in Christians.

My old, old story to you is that I have chosen you for a small task here in the earth. I assist you with this in this semi-mystical fashion. Life in the spirit is continuous and eternal until you fully accept your oneness with Me… and then you become one with that Oneness, which is not oblivion but the fullness of enlightenment.

In physical terms the body grows and develops until it is full size, and then it is healthy to have continued growth stop. Spiritual growth, in contrast, should be continuous and “right up to the end” of an earth life. All events and circumstances can be means of spiritual growth. The old, old story is certainly old, but also surprisingly new.

So it is
7:45 AM