The Organized Church

FRI., AUG. 5, 1994, 12:17 PM

Well, o son, what happened to angels? You were getting ready to lead an adult forum on this fascinating facet of earth and spiritual life, and the title of the video series was misleading. You did not react well to what you heard and saw, and your reaction was appropriate “for you.” Your “realm” is not the problems of earth life but the positive nature of heath… that full functioning of the total person. This is not to say that there aren’t problems, and that some of them come very close to being “real.” It does assert that every servant of Mine need not be concerned with every aspect of earth and spiritual life, and you are to be little focused on what are defined as problems.

Instead, your forum, as you envision it, should commence with this video and its considerable variety of comments on the organized church. This is quite a different theme than that of angels, but… no surprise… I have plenty to say about organized religion and the churches that result from this organization.

Am I in favor of this sort of organization? Hear this imperfect analogy. The Christian Church, in its many forms, is rightly called The Body of Christ. So how do I feel about bodies. For you humans, a body is a form of reality, a unique organization of energy. The body defines and determines life in the earth. Yet you have heard Me tell you repeatedly that My major concern is with spirit… and with the immortal soul in each (or most) of you that is the “site” of cumulative growth of spirit.

I prefer healthy bodies to unhealthy ones, but I am only minimally interested in bodily functioning. I am more amused than troubled with all of your culture’s concern about “health care,” which means, mostly, medical care. Occasionally modern medicine saves a person who then goes on to serve Me and to grow in spirit in their continued life. Yet just as often medical treatment keeps a person “alive” beyond the time that he should have “come on over.” I approve of most pain control, but much of heroic medicine is wasted effort, from My “vantage point.”

I have no favorite body type, which includes height, weight, shade of skin, muscular dexterity, and so on. Likewise I have no favorite form for the Body that is My Church. I don’t favor large congregations over smaller ones, rich over poor (or poor over rich!) liturgical over less liturgical, efficiently organized over minimally organized, or happy, comfortable congregations over quarrelsome, divided churches. Churches are necessary like bodies are necessary, in this realm. But they are no more My ultimate concern than are the physical bodies of those in them.

Persons can live spiritual lives, with growth and satisfaction, and not be part of the organized church… just as some spirits can function here in the earth without flesh and blood bodies (angels, for example). Other persons can be part of a congregation and yet be unhappy and dissatisfied, growing little from the association… as some people have bodies that are ugly, dysfunctional, or non-satisfying.

Because of your rather unique relationship with Me you are not completely comfortable in your church and your denomination. And still I tell you this is where you should be. Your aging body is not as functional as you’d like it to be, but I tell you to appreciate what you have and adapt to your “problems” with a healthy spirit. I want you in this church because you shall grow in spirit from this association. You have opportunities to influence other Christians by way of this organized church… which includes leading this forum as I direct you.

FRI., AUG. 5, 1994, 12:17 PM

Well, o son, what happened to angels? You were getting ready to lead an adult forum on this fascinating facet of earth and spiritual life, and the title of the video series was misleading. You did not react well to what you heard and saw, and your reaction was appropriate “for you.” Your “realm” is not the problems of earth life but the positive nature of heath… that full functioning of the total person. This is not to say that there aren’t problems, and that some of them come . . .

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