The Other Side

MON., JAN. 14, 1991, 5:31 PM

What you heard this midday was truly troubling, but it gives you a better perspective on this country, particularly as it compares with your own. Each culture has virtues, but also shortcomings and, even, evils. As you have heard several times, this is no perfect heaven, but it also is not the hell that is sometimes pictured. It is a small country that aspires for successes that it cannot attain without considerable help… and such is truly lacking now and for the near future.

Where am I in the midst of these coming privations? I shall be here to cheer the hearts of those who reach for My hand. I shall be amongst those who, even without allegiance to Me are serving their fellow humans in ways that I applaud. I may prevent some evils, but some I will allow, knowing that a number of those who suffer will grow through the experience. And you shall know more of this culture and shall help some, in your classes and in your church, to have a better feel for what is happening.

When you hear of the presence of conditions that have supposedly been eliminated you feel confused. You know that what you are hearing, generally, in your scheduled sessions, is designed to make you feel proud of the revolution and that it truly can produce a society that gives real human rights. You see apparently healthy and happy people of all ages. Are they as happy and healthy as comparable people in your society? You know you can’t make such a judgment on what you have seen, in the short time you have been here. Such a dilemma urges you back away from more political involvement, leaving you standing back from being a revolutionary.

Instead it must motivate you to help the causes that are important to you. Your government shall not do much more to help Native American kids, so you should help. You calling is to bring attention to the environment and how its health can be maintained. This calls for support of certain groups. Dolphins are special creatures of Mine, and they should not be killed painfully and indiscriminately just to satisfy the desire of some for a relatively luxury food.

And yet there may be ways in which you can contribute somewhat directly to the health of this culture. Be on the lookout for clues to such as you return and resume normal life. This experience today has given you a balance that was suddenly very troubling and confusing, but you shall come to terms with it in time. You don’t know how My servant Elmer may react to your Ruminations, but you should at least give him a chance to consider this special gift. You may want to try some others, but no one yet seems certain.

When there is the attempt, by a poor country such as this, to do all that a larger, rich one can and does, there is bound to be disappointment. All children with handicaps cannot be educated like these you just saw, and yet it is noble to demonstrate what can be done.

( 6:06 PM / 10:35 PM )

Now you have finished off the evening with yet another side – the hospitality of church people and the joy of ethnic music. It was a fine supper, and your conversation with My good servant Clara was thrilling and informative. Know that even as your Spanish is limited and your confidence is minimal your spirit can reach out and touch the spirit in others.

Spirit is the key to what will happen in this land. It seems a simplistic answer, but true. If there is enough spirit in the Cuban Communists and this is buoyed up by the spirits of Christians, both Catholic and Evangelical, then the country shall work through its hardships and emerge as an energetic, peaceful member of the developing nations. If, however, the spirit is divided, weak, or non-existent in the face of difficulties worse than expected, the nation could drift into chaos, native tyranny, or civil war. I push for spirit winning out, but My true miracles are scarce. Yet I shall be here, influencing.

MON., JAN. 14, 1991, 5:31 PM

What you heard this midday was truly troubling, but it gives you a better perspective on this country, particularly as it compares with your own. Each culture has virtues, but also shortcomings and, even, evils. As you have heard several times, this is no perfect heaven, but it also is not the hell that is sometimes pictured. It is a small country that aspires for successes that it cannot attain without considerable help… and such is truly lacking now and for the near future.

Where am I in the midst . . .

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