The Panacea: Drugs

TUES., MAY 5, 1998, 6:20 AM

You are quite aware, from your own professional involvement and from My Teachings to you, that the term “drugs” is certainly a prime example of both/and thinking. On the one hand “drugs” are illicit… illegal… one of your culture’s major problems… the reason you have such a large prison population of young men… and women. On the other hand the big news of last evening was a combination of drugs with the potential for killing cancers in humans… a panacea, certainly… described as a true “miracle”.

This means that “drugs” can be modifiers of human moods and behavior, producing changes that are harmful to the drug taker AND to the culture that allows or encourages use… which can lead to misuse and abuse. It also means that “drugs” are the major tools of modern medicine, essential to restoring health when there is infection or disease and to maintaining balance when a body can’t do so unaided.

Alcohol is a drug, by definition, but it also is the active ingredient in drinks and beverages which are an established element in your culture. It is legal, and advertised, but controlled, since your cultural judgment is that children and youth must be protected from its effects on their development and behaviors.

Alcohol is a “natural” drug, one that is being formed in that big crock in this very room at this very time. I have allowed it… and even encouraged it as the symbol of My blood, as Jesus, in the celebration of Holy Communion. Human bodies are replete with drug substances, all in marvelous balance when good health prevails. When there is some imbalance, modern medicine attempts to restore health, with synthetic or other natural drugs. You are taking two of these medical drugs now, and they don’t seem to be doing anything miraculous.

Human bodies are enough alike so that scientific medicine is possible and reasonably effective. Human bodies are enough different so that no treatment works equally well with all… even that what is miraculous with some is toxic and life threatening with another. Even I am aware of the statistic that the 4th leading cause of death in your culture is adverse reactions to officially prescribed drugs.

Thus, in its compound meaning, drugs sustain life, restore and maintain health AND are a cause of much misery and of premature death. I knew this would happen, and I continue to allow it. Why? Because I like and love humans, My creation as the highest form of tangible, physical life AND because humans have to die in order that babies conceived and birthed can have a chance for their share of life.

My early Holy Scriptures suggest that in the early years of humanity people lived for hundreds of years (up to 969). The truth emanating from such a story is that with a small population there can be long individual lives, but as humans increase in numbers long lives become a form of plague.

Will it be a miracle if these drugs now being used on mice will actually kill human cancers? It would seem so, but what, then, would take cancer’s place as a cause of death, primarily in those who are reasonably elderly? Could it be adverse reactions to drugs, legally and professionally prescribed? Or could it be infections by organisms now immune to the effects of even the best antibiotics?

One unique characteristic of life here in the earth is competition. As you have said often, all forms of life are food for other forms of life. Bacteria and viruses are part of My Creation. Cancers are part of My Creation. Drugs are part of creation, Mine and what I allow, from what I have created. Death is an integral part of the whole life process. You cannot have longer lives and a larger population. Not here on this small, special planet called Earth.

TUES., MAY 5, 1998, 6:20 AM

You are quite aware, from your own professional involvement and from My Teachings to you, that the term “drugs” is certainly a prime example of both/and thinking. On the one hand “drugs” are illicit… illegal… one of your culture’s major problems… the reason you have such a large prison population of young men… and women. On the other hand the big news of last evening was a combination of drugs with the potential for killing cancers in humans… a panacea, certainly… described as a true “miracle”.

This means that . . .

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