The “Past”, Your Era, And ?

WED., NOV. 22, 2000, 6:59 PM

You are reasonably knowledgeable about the past, in this country, and, to some lesser extent, in the world. You know your Bible fairly well, with Old Testament stories that span perhaps 2,000 years, and then a New Testament story that is “over” in about 50 years. All of this was a time of minimal technology (as you know it today). Thus life was “simple”, with most work being done with muscle power, human and animal.

There were some simple ways of preserving food for later use, but no refrigeration, so this was not easy in moderate to tropical climes. Since the size of any population is dependent upon its food supply, the groups of humans were not large in numbers… which make you wonder about armies described in 1 Samuel of several 100’s of 1,000’s of men. How was this possible? How could they have been fed? (And you assume that regular meals were as necessary then, for success in battle, as they are now.)

Animals were important in several ways. Some became human food, but others provided transportation, directly or in pulling several kinds of vehicles. Fire was necessary for cooking and for heat. The brightest of ancient man knew what burned… and how. They utilized this “power” sometimes wisely and sometimes “not so.” Those individuals who were the most adaptable survived to what was then old age, but who survived was dependent upon what the “hazards” were… what people had to adapt to. The strong did survive, but “who was strong” depended, somewhat, upon the nature of the threats.

Your era was one of moving, fairly rapidly, in human time, out of simple, traditional living and into modern, technological ways and means. In your youth there were telephones and radio, but now there are many more sophisticated and more efficient ways of communicating. Modern medicine has many ways of prolonging life and postponing death. There are ways of traveling not available in your youth. This means that food can be transported, so that much more of the earth is habitable now… not dependent on locally grown food. There are many ways of preserving food, so that humans can function in many more portions of this earth.

Now you might well wonder – where was I, the Triune God, as all of this took place. I was, and Am, responsible for creation, and I did choose to have human life begin here, simply letting human power and ingenuity be the means for “advancing.” By today’s “standards” the beginning of your “era” was fairly simple, with much “progress” being made over these past 75 years. But as I have told you, and you know, there is also much waste being produced, which “has to go somewhere,” and it is not yet clear how this era of yours will “turn out.” I know, of course, but I may have to take some actions to counter the results of human actions. Your secular culture doesn’t accept this as a possibility, but I am now considering some alternatives to the “way it has been.”

You are not called to be a prophet, so I shall not tell you what the earth shall be like when your body dies, and your spirit “moves on.” I’ll just suggest that all of the “modernization,” of which your culture is so proud, is what I have allowed but not caused… and some of it is producing results I do not like.

There is more human life in the earth than ever before… which is possible because of technologies… but which can’t be maintained… or increased further. I am pleased with the many human actions which reflect My Teachings, in several “forms,” and I am fairly gently “urging” humans to cause and let such actions prevail over the ones that are eroding human health.

I have not wanted to take severe, direct actions yet, but such may come, even in the short time you have to continue life here. By your culture’s secular standards what shall happen, by My Will, in this next era, will not seem desirable, but My highest priority is maintain this Earth as a unique place for spiritual growth. Such growth can and does take place in other realms and scenes, of course, but I do like this earth as a “special place.”

WED., NOV. 22, 2000, 6:59 PM

You are reasonably knowledgeable about the past, in this country, and, to some lesser extent, in the world. You know your Bible fairly well, with Old Testament stories that span perhaps 2,000 years, and then a New Testament story that is “over” in about 50 years. All of this was a time of minimal technology (as you know it today). Thus life was “simple”, with most work being done with muscle power, human and animal.

There were some simple ways of preserving food for later use, but no refrigeration, so . . .

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