The Path Of Light

SEPTEMBER 7, 1979, 6:58 AM

This day, o son, I send you a theme in visual form. You sat with closed eyes and nothing came to your mind. You opened your eyes and saw the path of light from the rising sun, shining forth across the yard below. This shall be your instructional theme for the day.

I am light, for as it is said, light is life, and I am the ultimate life. Yet I’m sure you also see, now, that light is one kind of life, while darkness is another. Death is another kind of life, so darkness is another kind of life. There is a quality of fresh beauty to that sunlight, defined as it is in the yard by the non-sunlit portions, that stands for the freshness of beginning a new enterprise.

Perhaps today you should start the writing of your book. You have moldered around with it and worked, somewhat, to get others to write, but why not let this path of light shining forth be the symbol of your beginning this new enterprise? You might as well begin with a beautiful symbol.

Now consider yourself as a path of light. Your life is such that you have opportunities to be just that. Virtually each day ways open for you to light a path for others – in learning, in being, in teaching, and in valuing. It would seem to be right that you become more aware of these opportunities and meet them consciously. Yet you also hear Me saying that this is not so. The rhythm is different. Do not be conscious of these happenings. Just be as you will be. There is value in conscious trying. There also is merit in just being what you are, as it happens. If you are a light, you are. You don’t become more by consciously trying to be.

The light outside, and now across your page, does not try to shine – brightly or beautifully. It does because it is. I am because I am. And what I am I also purpose for you. You shall be a path of light, but because you are, rather than because you strive to be. The source of the light is, finally, Me. The source of your light is, more directly, Me. You cannot shine forth unless My light is within you.

SEPTEMBER 7, 1979, 6:58 AM

This day, o son, I send you a theme in visual form. You sat with closed eyes and nothing came to your mind. You opened your eyes and saw the path of light from the rising sun, shining forth across the yard below. This shall be your instructional theme for the day.

I am light, for as it is said, light is life, and I am the ultimate life. Yet I’m sure you also see, now, that light is one kind of life, while darkness is another. Death is another kind of life . . .

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