The People Of God

NOV. 16, 1980, 7:06 AM

The people of God, o son, are those whom I have chosen and those who come to Me because of what I have done and Who I Am. The people of God range from very young to very old, from very masculine to very feminine, from very intelligent to barely aware, from quite individualistic to solidly part of a group. The people are of all races (yes, all!), all shades of color, all body builds, all temperaments… and they range from the very religious and ecclesiastical to those with a disdain for religions.

I of course, am the only one who can “see” them all, without the limitations of time and of space. It truly is a strange and wonderful people. In appearance and outward composition they differ little from those who are not My people. The essential differences are in attitude, in spirit, and in the behavior therefrom.

My people are, of course, oriented fundamentally to Me. Some realize this fully and consciously and spend much of their waking time in prayer, praise, and directly dedicated service. Most have this as a clear orientation, but are involved also in the world and its secular concerns; they remember Me on occasions… sometimes regularly, sometimes sporadically. There are these in every congregation and every family; they would never deny Me and they would serve Me whenever they are asked, but much of what they do does not seem related to Me… at least to them. One of your favorite “characters”, Elmer Gantry, is an extreme personification of this type of servant – fervent in spirit and loud in praise at times… and an apparent embarrassment to Me and My “good” people at other times. These have a special fascination for Me, for many have been “lost sheep”… that now are “found” but still keep wandering off, not feeling comfortable “in the fold”.

There have been and are many wonderful instances when a group of My people have done something together in My name or under My direction. Your son, Matthew, asked the other morning about My Hebrew people, long in the desert, and about the manna I fed them. I cannot tell you the details of that. Just hear that it was basically My contribution but that there were, among them, souls who had had previous earth experiences which left them memories which helped in the adaptation to that life problem. More often than not My miracles are wrought through people who have special qualifications, partly given by Me and partly developed by self in the journey toward full enlightenment. Where such abilities and capacities are used to My Glory and/or in loving service to fellow humans I am pleased, naturally.

NOV. 16, 1980, 7:06 AM

The people of God, o son, are those whom I have chosen and those who come to Me because of what I have done and Who I Am. The people of God range from very young to very old, from very masculine to very feminine, from very intelligent to barely aware, from quite individualistic to solidly part of a group. The people are of all races (yes, all!), all shades of color, all body builds, all temperaments… and they range from the very religious and ecclesiastical to those with a disdain . . .

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