… The Place Is Familiar…

SAT., JUNE 3, 1989, 5:54 AM

… and here We are again on another old/new adventure of the spirit! Never fear about awakening. Just trust that I shall arouse you in time for a Teaching and for whatever else is important for the morning. I have told you that this time together need not be every day or always in the first hour, but I will let your rather well developed spirit know when this is desirable.

… and so are the people. It is comfortable to be with Joanne and Howard, and it should be likewise with your parents. Try to see some other old friends, but you needn’t be compulsive or well organized about such visiting. Your major goals are only three, but listen as I may lead you into some other desirable activities.

6:06 / 6:09 … and one of the goals for the time in this familiar place is also familiar – the writing of the next Ruminations. This shall not be difficult or time consuming, but it shall be another good exercise of spirit. Don’t go beyond the Teachings you have copied, for these are more than sufficient. Yet I do urge you to read each day from the volume of recent meditations and let them influence you, even as they will not be quoted. This is a time of quiet vacation and re-creation, which should include lots of interaction with Me. You shall share this “prescription” with only a few, but you shall know it and shall know with whom it should be shared.

… and Mark is here. Obviously I have My hand on that nephew of yours, but he is not yet ready for what he shall do for Me. This is frustrating, but it is necessary. He shall not have to wait as long as you did, and his role will be a more direct one of service to Me, but I am not revealing it as yet. His important task now is learning, but he should not avoid opportunities to develop his more spiritual, rather than intellectual, understandings of life here in the earth and beyond. So I call on you to engage him in some serious conversations, and I promise to guide and otherwise help.

… and there is time to consider your teaching for the next few years. You are satisfied with what you now are doing in guiding learning. Yet you must reconsider, from time to time, and reaffirm the appropriate direction or decide for some change, just for change sake. You can put away thoughts of bidding for the Foundations course, even though this is a major avenue for exposing your graduate students to an holistic orientation to health. If you could do this for one semester, it might be desirable. But first you should write the philosophy papers that are overdue. I’ll leave it at that. When such papers are ready to publish, then you might consider the Foundations teaching. Continue to consider the merits of the course on Aging. It could be a nice complement to the Death and Life course. Play with various alternatives that you can consider in this familiar place.

… and it is part of your spiritual development. Visit the places. You have plenty to experience in the time you have. Soak in the spiritual power that still inheres for you in these places and events. Don’t be compulsive, as I have warned, but be able to be satisfied when you board the plane again. A list is not inappropriate… as a guide rather than as “things that must be done.”

SAT., JUNE 3, 1989, 5:54 AM

… and here We are again on another old/new adventure of the spirit! Never fear about awakening. Just trust that I shall arouse you in time for a Teaching and for whatever else is important for the morning. I have told you that this time together need not be every day or always in the first hour, but I will let your rather well developed spirit know when this is desirable.

… and so are the people. It is comfortable to be with Joanne and Howard, and it should be . . .

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