The Power Of Affluence

SAT., JAN. 5, 1991, 8:55 AM

Now that you have written down your thoughts, impressions, and descriptions of your first day on this adventure, I, the Holy Spirit, your guide and friend in this “foreign land,” shall offer you some additional insights. You shall not be able to finish this in one sitting, but I shall be with you for that in the early afternoon.

You expected to see a country embracing more austerity than you’ve seen thus far. While there are evidences of some equality here in the major city you also see the power of affluence. Humans have a difficult time accepting equality, which is a “mixed bag,” anyway. Everyone cannot be affluent, given the number of people and the capacities of this planet. If there were absolute equality the standard of living in your country would be reduced considerably, as would your own, personally. What would that be like?

Does equality require sameness? Would there have to be decreed limits on population growth common to all countries and to all families? Humans are not created equal, in any sense. Why? Because I planned for diversity in creation, in all species, including the human. Freedom of opportunity has no substance, for there is no agreed upon way of determining that all have an equal chance to do… to be… to acquire.

Affluence is freedom of opportunity in action. As Jesus I was the Messiah, and yet the people expected their messiah to lead them to military victory, to political release, and to economic affluence. I declined, and I preached a gospel of forgiveness, of acceptance of life, of sharing, and, in effect, of not striving for affluence. I was urged to be a revolutionary, who, with force of arms or with supernatural powers, as I gave to Moses, on occasion, was to drive out the oppressors and bring in a new era.

My way was gentle and sacrificial. I went to an early death rather than fight or use My Godly powers. There are ways in which Fidel is like unto Me, but I would never have fought as he has done. It is very hard to combine all that is desirable. In the yin and yang of life one powerful good makes it difficult or impossible to achieve another. Freedom brings affluence, and affluence denies the possibility of equality. More later.

( 9:20 AM / 1:04 PM )

There is a spirit of freedom in this small country, and leaders of past attempts to achieve freedom are honored. It is difficult to know how people feel about their life by watching them on the street. Yet you must continue to do this. People are more important than buildings, and you need to be able to tell others more of your impressions of people than of the buildings and monuments. Watch and see whether the freedoms these people have bring forth looks of happiness and pleasure… or is the desire for more affluence a bar to such expressions.

As I have told you many times, the great value in affluence is in being able, if you are willing, to support in some ways those who have less and who need more. Giving to the church is, in faith, giving to Me and, in faith, letting those in the church bureaucracy determine who shall be helped. With other monies you shall decide, and this gives you a certain amount of power. You can decide which “ministries” shall be helped. Again, employ faith… and give.

It was uncomfortable this morning not responding to the begging of young children, of you who were obviously affluent. In this culture where food and other life necessities are guaranteed this is obviously an expression of the desire to be affluent, even in small ways. If a child has some gum or a new pen he is more “powerful” than one who has no such. And there will always be some children who show this desire to become “unequal”… in every culture where there are obvious differences in what each “has”.

SAT., JAN. 5, 1991, 8:55 AM

Now that you have written down your thoughts, impressions, and descriptions of your first day on this adventure, I, the Holy Spirit, your guide and friend in this “foreign land,” shall offer you some additional insights. You shall not be able to finish this in one sitting, but I shall be with you for that in the early afternoon.

You expected to see a country embracing more austerity than you’ve seen thus far. While there are evidences of some equality here in the major city you also see the . . .

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