The Power Of Love

FRI., APR. 3, 1992, 6:35 AM

Love is the most powerful force in all the realms of being. Now that is a sweeping statement, but I confirm it. There are other forces, certainly, but love is the one of most consequence, finally. It is strange that so many of the television programs of this time focus more on hate, anger, and greed and don’t always portray love as the force that it really is.

It is important that as you read and study the Scriptures, as you have been doing rather well lately, that you read them with love and know that they represent, truly, a love story. All right, then I must admit that there are many portions that do sound more like current TV offerings, but the total story is one of a God who loves and is related to His creation.

Love has power, and therefore the absence of love or even diminished love can leave a person feeling powerless. The “recipe” seems quite simple, but it is so hard to implement in many human lives. It is a daily, even hourly, enactment of that hard truth, “To those who have shall more be given, and from those who have little…” When a child is truly wanted and therefore loved, the secretions during the pregnancy are positive and even, love enhancing. When the love of parents and other family are shown early, the capacity of this new human to love is encouraged. Training children so that they behave “properly” is important, but only if it is done with love. Discipline that is not based in love does not encourage love, and thus other responses come forth.

But, you see, if a parent who has not been well loved and responded to that love, as a child and as a young person, that parent has less capacity to love. Abortion is a human action that brings forth much emotion. I bring it up here as an example of lack of love. When a conception takes place (which is mostly natural and not specifically directed, or prevented, by Me) and those responsible, but particularly the female (for she may not yet be a woman) do not feel love for this that they have created then an abortion may be the best action. It is more of a sin to produce an unloved child than to abort its interuterine life. Potential human life is just not that sacred, and many of those who are rabid pro-life advocates are breaking My first Commandment.

An embryo that is loved, a fetus that is loved will not be aborted when there is a choice. In cultures where there is no choice there is the recognition that too much abundance of human life, even when it is loved, can be a curse. So, love tends to cause more love to develop. When love in parents and family is scant, it is hard for the young to become good at loving. Child abuse is the grim evidence of not enough love that the abuser has experienced, which shall handicap the child and make it more difficult for her or him to love freely and easily as growth proceeds. Not being loved and not being able to love is the supreme handicap a human can have and exhibit.

Yet, as I have told you and as you know, each human has a soul, which is the wellspring of spirit. All brand new human beings do not come into earth life with brand new souls. Rather, some have had previous life experiences, in the earth or in other realms, that make them more able to perceive love and to respond in loving ways. Such a soul, born into an unloving situation, may flourish despite the lack… may actually help parents and family to love more. But without that already developed capacity to love, an unloved and abused child does not develop in spirit and becomes part of the angry, hateful scenes that make up a lot of pictured drama.

FRI., APR. 3, 1992, 6:35 AM

Love is the most powerful force in all the realms of being. Now that is a sweeping statement, but I confirm it. There are other forces, certainly, but love is the one of most consequence, finally. It is strange that so many of the television programs of this time focus more on hate, anger, and greed and don’t always portray love as the force that it really is.

It is important that as you read and study the Scriptures, as you have been doing rather well lately, that you read . . .

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