The Power Of Love

SUN., SEPT. 6, 1992, 6:32 AM

In your modern earth scene love is not considered to be a power comparable to economic, political, or military power. These are the powers that “count”. Love is a good, but if it has power, it can’t be relied on to counter these other, more obvious forces.

You have seen and enjoyed a strange and wonderful movie that showed, in an indirect, oblique way, the power of love that that is part of My Body, the Church. It took place in a convent, one of those odd developments that allowed women to spend their lives in service to Me. The story was not directly about love, but more about the need to hide a person from the wrath of others, and the contrast in the lifestyle of Dolores and that of the convent and the strange assortment of sisters. Without being so identified love was what changed her toward appreciation of them and of them toward her. And so it is in so many earth scenes this very day.

Music was a means, a means with power. She introduced music that was different from what was expected. It was her enthusiasm and the power of music that started the movement toward mutual love. She was reluctant at first, but her capacities in music, in quite a different arena, overcame the reluctance, and the music became the marvelous means to love, displayed in several ways.

This week you shall have the opportunity, again, of doing something similar in two classes. The songs that you do, in both presentations, are not the kind of music that most of your students appreciate. They would not choose to listen to such music. Some are rather embarrassed at your doing them, and you have some of that same feeling. So, though it is a legitimate, and odd, teaching-learning approach, I want it to be, as it usually is, an act of love… your love for them as a class group under your direction. As you do the presentations in love, the music is a means by which they begin to feel love for you, for the subject matter, and for each other. Encouraging them to sing, as you do in the one presentation, is even more daring, with the risk that they will reject you and what you do. But you will do it in love, and that will be the “difference.” A few will not respond well, but most of them will be “brought along” by the majority.

Another rather odd learning experience is the video interview/conversation between Jim and Gary. Several types of students that you have are apt to turn away from two obvious male homosexuals discussing the impending death of one of them from AIDS. Gary’s concluding statement that “love is the answer” urges many of those viewing the scene to consider this power of love to overcome the fear of death. Consider also that it comes rather late in a course in which music has helped develop love as a factor in learning. This term ask them, rather directly, to react to this statement that “love is the answer.” See what they say

You have, because of your spirit, good capacities to love and to accept the love of others. Because of this relationship with Me your “natural” capacities have been strengthened and improved. You still must decide, in the encounters of life, when, where, and how this love should be expressed. You must be both careful and brash. I tell you that love has power, and you can use it, more freely than you do. Have faith in My willingness and capacity to guide you.

SUN., SEPT. 6, 1992, 6:32 AM

In your modern earth scene love is not considered to be a power comparable to economic, political, or military power. These are the powers that “count”. Love is a good, but if it has power, it can’t be relied on to counter these other, more obvious forces.

You have seen and enjoyed a strange and wonderful movie that showed, in an indirect, oblique way, the power of love that that is part of My Body, the Church. It took place in a convent, one of those odd developments that allowed . . .

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