The Power Of Non-Violence

WED., AUG. 14, 1985, 7:18 AM

You have read a story of a life lived in a distant land, in a culture quite different from yours, that displayed a value on non-violence… for the right reason – complete allegiance to Me. It is unfortunate that many of your fellow Christians would have trouble with the affirmation that this man, a devout Muslim, has been an avid and faithful servant of Mine… the Holy Spirit of the God you know. Zeal and truth in religion are important, but they are mixed blessings, certainly.

Non-violence is one of My supreme values, even as the Testament you call Old gives many accounts of My participation in, even fomenting of violence. There is a time for war, just as there is a time for peace, but I do not desire these times to be equal. There are persons in this earth who are meant to be warriors, of various kinds. Their life task is to disturb the peace and right the wrongs that can accumulate in a time of non-violence. You are not one of these. Badshah Khan was a dramatic hybrid – a foiler of the peace, but a violent man absolutely committed to non-violent means. His long life shows that not all such anti-establishment warriors lose their lives and are forgotten.

The serenity to accept what cannot be changed comes most fully from Me. Some people are more naturally gentle, and then there are some who are simply lethargic, and their lack of commitment is easily mistaken for serenity and strength. The acceptance that comes from relationship with Me is of a much more powerful stripe. You are non-violent because you KNOW that I, the Lord, am still “in charge” and that gentle ways ultimately have the most power.

As Jesus, in My final journey to Jerusalem I could have utilized the power I was offered on “Palm Sunday” and could have countered the attempts of the Pharisees to eliminate Me. Though they were men dedicated to Me, to My written Word, and to the history of My intervention on their behalf, they could not recognize Me as the Living Word. Hence they opposed Me, and hence their power was superficial. Yet I permitted it to prevail.

I could have assumed a non-violent but aggressive stance with Pilate, convincing him that I was no threat to the Roman government… for I was not. I took the gentle path and became the suffering lamb, giving My life as a sacrifice for the good of all people. I was not forgotten, and My “weakness” came to be seen as strength. Many followed My non-violent example, and the great faith of which you are a part took form and has flourished.

It is sad that your nation, identified strongly with the Christian faith, has departed from the non-violent tradition. Still, it is not a complete departure, for your official stance is to keep the peace out of strength. You put much wealth into armaments, but most have not been used in violence. It is a mixed picture, and I could not tell you that day-to-day life would be better if the nation renounced armaments completely. Our relationship to Me would be better, but I couldn’t guarantee you’d be overjoyed with the politics and economics of this stance.

WED., AUG. 14, 1985, 7:18 AM

You have read a story of a life lived in a distant land, in a culture quite different from yours, that displayed a value on non-violence… for the right reason – complete allegiance to Me. It is unfortunate that many of your fellow Christians would have trouble with the affirmation that this man, a devout Muslim, has been an avid and faithful servant of Mine… the Holy Spirit of the God you know. Zeal and truth in religion are important, but they are mixed blessings, certainly.

Non-violence is one of . . .

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