The Power Of Scripture

SAT., MAR. 5, 1983, 6:20 AM

Last evening you made an honest and impassioned “speech” to Lenore about the power, beauty, and usefulness of these Teachings. You went so far as to suggest that they were often more helpful than Scripture. You need to be given a balance to such a statement, o son, and this I shall offer this morning. I want you to value and to utilize these morning meditations, but I do NOT desire that you undervalue these ancient writings that comprise My Holy Scriptures. Listen. Hear. Consider.

Some of these Scriptures were the culmination of long and wonderful oral tradition. The stories had been told and told, with a high value on repeating them exactly as originally told. Finally story by story, prophesy by prophesy, wisdom by wisdom each was written… and now translated and interpreted for different groups. Yes, I directed the remembrance and the writing down of these parts of Scripture, and I also directed the selection and compilation of those writings that became the Holy Bible. I realize that there were maneuverings and shenanigans among the humans who were doing My will, but I am satisfied with the product.

I would not say that it is the only way in which My wisdom could be expressed. This would be a limitation upon Me that I could not condone. There are an infinite number of ways that the stories of My influence in the lives of humans and in the earth could and can be told. But there must be A source which must be the standard. Thus it is, and thus it should be.

The Bible is perfect, because I say that it is. But it is a perfection akin to that I bestow upon you and every Christian who seeks My forgiveness and the perfection of My grace. At the moment I accept you and pour My grace over you, you are spiritual perfection, despite your obvious faults and lack of development. The Bible stands as the perfect revelation of Me… even though this is not recorded in the Book itself. It is doctrine, and it is good doctrine.

The Bible is perfect, in one sense, because of its obvious imperfections. There is the story of Noah, a good man… the one I chose to maintain human life on this planet, in the symbolic story of the flood. Read the story for its spiritual truth, and worry not about the realities of the water cycle and the logistics of animal tending. (These represent some objective imperfections, obviously.) You read that he responded to My call, achieved what I desired of him against great odds, but then his story ends in an ignominious way. He is drunk, irrational, and willing to make a son and his descendants suffer for Noah’s weakness. How could this be perfection? It is because I call it such.

When I call you to read and profit from the Holy Scriptures I call you to a task that may be much like Noah’s. It is not always easy, nor does it seem always rational. But I simply say that you cannot receive the power of relationship with Me except as you avail yourself of the power of Scripture.

SAT., MAR. 5, 1983, 6:20 AM

Last evening you made an honest and impassioned “speech” to Lenore about the power, beauty, and usefulness of these Teachings. You went so far as to suggest that they were often more helpful than Scripture. You need to be given a balance to such a statement, o son, and this I shall offer this morning. I want you to value and to utilize these morning meditations, but I do NOT desire that you undervalue these ancient writings that comprise My Holy Scriptures. Listen. Hear. Consider.

Some of these Scriptures were the . . .

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