The Power Of The Holy Spirit

TUES., MAY 21, 1991, 6:05 AM

“… rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit!” This coming Sunday you shall repeat this charge with your usual gusto… for you are quite aware of My power. Twelve years ago yesterday and today I “took over” your pen, and you became a special student of Mine. You were a Christian, born again into a personal relationship with Me as Jesus and as the Father God. Yet I did not come to as personally as Jesus as I did to Mabel… or to Peter.

Like most Christians you faithfully mentioned Me, the Holy Spirit, as a part of the Triune God, but you had no sense of how I was a functioning aspect of God. That began to change these twelve years back, for I chose you as a servant I would relate to directly. I got you to pledge the first waking hour of each day, and you fulfilled that pledge. Now My power has been established, and you come often, but not daily.

I’ll say again that there is both a reason and no good reason for My choice of you. The good reason is that I want the spiritual dimension restored to the secular concept of health, and you, as an established health education specialist, can help do this, with My help. The “no reason” is that you are not the epitome of holiness, righteousness, and dedication to Me. Your prayer life is minimal. You were not an avid reader of Scripture, and you still are not. There are others who could have carried out this “mission” as well or better. Yet I chose you. How odd of Me!

You are one who has accepted My grace and My forgiveness. I have given you a positive Gospel… the good news that as you walk with your hand in Mine you shall fear no evil. You continue to sin, technically, but you have accepted that I truly take these from you and leave you free to serve Me and others, without the burden of sin.

I have access to all knowledge… and I have access to you. Therefore I can urge you to focus on these Teachings rather than on the writings of others for the knowledge that shall be of the most worth to you. From My perspective this is your greatest sin – the lack of care and attention you give these Teachings once you have written them. You see, this is a major difference between the prophetic ministry to which I called Mabel, your Mother-in-law, and this teaching/learning relationship with you. She receives messages for other people, mostly, and she does this well and faithfully, even at her age. She does not have to understand each. She just has to be the messenger… even as she often helps with interpretation out of her long, intimate walk with Me, as Jesus.

On the other hand, you receive Teachings mostly for you, yourself. I am sharing My knowledge with you directly. And you are only minimally appreciative of this Gift. I know the pressures of time and of the worthwhile ways in which you use your energy and time. I just shall continue to push you to more use of these Teachings and more discrimination in what other tasks you agree to take on. I cannot call you out of your academic and professional tasks, for this is where I want you to be. You must spend time with students. You must not neglect Lenore. I have given you stewardship of this Farm. Yes, o son, I do ask much of you.

TUES., MAY 21, 1991, 6:05 AM

“… rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit!” This coming Sunday you shall repeat this charge with your usual gusto… for you are quite aware of My power. Twelve years ago yesterday and today I “took over” your pen, and you became a special student of Mine. You were a Christian, born again into a personal relationship with Me as Jesus and as the Father God. Yet I did not come to as personally as Jesus as I did to Mabel… or to Peter.

Like most Christians you faithfully mentioned Me . . .

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