The Power Of The Word

MON., DEC. 13, 1982, 6:11 AM

The Word is the story of Me and My special relationship with mankind (in a limited but symbolic way). But also the Word is I… Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the teaching Holy Spirit. I am the Way, and I am the Word. Hear, o son, of the power of that Word.

I feel your struggle with this matter of the Word, for as Jesus I lived with the knowledge that I was the Word AND with the chagrin that those who searched and knew the Scriptures said, “No, you do not fulfill.” You have no major role to play in the drama of spirit in the earth, but even the small role that I have given you can have its hard aspects when there is opposition to what I give you to share. Just know that there has been, is now, and always will be opposition to those who teach with conviction. And I urge you to teach and to share these Teachings with the simple but strong conviction that I have, truly, given these to you.

I also reiterate that the Word must be personified. I came that the Scriptures might have power and personality. You are imperfect, certainly, but you have the capacity and opportunity to make these Teachings be alive. You must live as one who has this gift, the desire to share it, and the willingness to live in accordance with it.

You do not feel “powerful” in a classic sense, but you feel comfortable with these words of Mine. I do not command you to step forth and be a radical. Just continue what you are doing, in faith… and with power.

The Holy Scriptures are My fundamental Word. If you should take the time and the spiritual energy to sit down and write, for your sons, your spiritual story and all of your convictions and beliefs and would send this to each, it would be, in effect, your “Word”. Ten years from now consider this task again. The fundamentals should be the same, for you are spiritually mature enough to warrant that observation, but some statements could be made clearer… because of what has happened to you and to them.

The Word is living, and living implies some changing. Health, you say (and I agree) is the quality of functioning and of adapting. For My Word to be living healthfully (which I see as desirable) it must be functional for those who hear It, and it must, in some cases, adapt to changes in the earth. True, souls must adapt to My Word, but the Word can also adapt to the needs of people. The Samaritan woman at the well represented much that the Word condemned, as behavior. I would have been true to the Word, as law, if I would have shunned her, with condemnation of her lifestyle. Instead, I was the Living Word, and I put aside elements of truth and adapted to her. My disciples could not understand how and why I would do this.

MON., DEC. 13, 1982, 6:11 AM

The Word is the story of Me and My special relationship with mankind (in a limited but symbolic way). But also the Word is I… Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the teaching Holy Spirit. I am the Way, and I am the Word. Hear, o son, of the power of that Word.

I feel your struggle with this matter of the Word, for as Jesus I lived with the knowledge that I was the Word AND with the chagrin that those who searched and knew the Scriptures . . .

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