The Power Of The Word, Again

SAT., MAY 26, 1984, 7:17 AM

You are again beside the flowing stream, close to the spring of water… and also close to the Spring that is I, Who brings you words to guide your living. As you write the sun shall “rise” on you and herald another beautiful day in this valley. You considered the danger and excitement of fire in this dry place, and that thought had a scary quality to it. Settle back from that and hear of the power of My Word, in its various forms.

In Teachings such as this I shall always urge you, first, to spend more time with My Holy Scriptures. My aim is not to make you feel guilty because you are not more knowledgeable about these writings of old (which are also spiritually and mystically as new as this fresh day), but simply to say again, in positive tones, that this is My Best Word. Hear Me in these pages, in wonderful, unexpected ways.

I realize, of course, that I work against My own urging when I call you to this morning hour, and when I recommend strongly that you reread these Teachings of Mine to you and know them in more than a superficial way. Just know that I am not always reasonable in My requests. Many servants before you have felt the squeeze of My “firm suggestions”… some have succeeded greatly, and of these you have heard and will hear. Some, unfortunately, buckle under the pressure they feel and do not accomplish.

Do I give anyone more of a “burden” than she can bear? Well, no and yes. In truth, I do not. I want all to grow in spirit and come to Me and My Way, helping to achieve My purposes as they move along the Path. Therefore, no one is given more than he can bear… though I sometimes push to the upper limit. But because some do worry and fret about their responsibilities to Me… and feel too strongly the need to muster “their” resources and satisfy Me as some wholey outside task master… they crumble under pressure which is self generated… and unnecessary.

The power of the Word is both in the Scriptures and in Me. And that Word tells you that I am never limited in My power nor in My presence. I can be the external task master, but I am also the internal helper. I never leave you alone to accomplish, unless you (mistakedly) want that independence. So, the Word is in written form, but I represent the Word to you this day, in this place, and shall be glad to be a working part of your life in the specifics of this day. This is real power.

I, of course, was involved in the conversation between you and Mabel yesterday. It shouldn’t bother you that I helped guide that interchange. You could have “pulled out” when your confidence waned, but you had My Word that this should happen, and that helped keep you listening and responding. I have told you that Mabel is one of the special servants I have designated to know and tell of the Word in My Holy Scriptures. She also transmits messages for Me, and therefore knows the power of the present day Word (even as it sounds different from these Teachings). Yesterday she had to feel the power of the Word in presence, urging her to listen, even to words that she should deny, but which had a strange authenticity.

You have worked well in getting these Ruminations out as I urged. Have this task virtually completed before you leave on Monday. This is the word with a very small w, but it still contains My power, and a few may be touched by it in important and unique ways. It is a puny addition to the world’s literature, but… and I put it simply, gently, and yet powerfully… I want it.

SAT., MAY 26, 1984, 7:17 AM

You are again beside the flowing stream, close to the spring of water… and also close to the Spring that is I, Who brings you words to guide your living. As you write the sun shall “rise” on you and herald another beautiful day in this valley. You considered the danger and excitement of fire in this dry place, and that thought had a scary quality to it. Settle back from that and hear of the power of My Word, in its various forms.

In Teachings such as this I . . .

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