The Presence Of The Holy Spirit

MON., MAY 31, 1982, 5:18 AM

Much that happened yesterday, o son, can be seen as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, here in the earth. It was the celebration, and certainly a minor one (consider that for the future), of the full entrance of My Holy Spirit into active work in the earth. As I have told you before, I worked with certain individuals all through the Biblical period. I was an aspect of Jesus the Christ, but I was not free to function as I do now. On Pentecost I came forth, dramatically, as tongues of fire, tongues of ecstasy, and tongues of communication. It was a fine day to be born.

As to the issue of whether the “tongues” were of ecstasy or those of other cultures… it was some of both. Some who were there heard a language of the Spirit, and they understood the utterances because their spirits were open and ready, not because the sounds were objectively translatable. Still others did hear the Gospel message in their own “foreign” tongue, a minor miracle at that time to presage the fact that those were not the last days, and that the message of love and reconciliation would be told, eventually, in all of the earth’s languages.

It is unfortunately accurate to note that My Presence as the Holy Spirit was denied on that Day of Pentecost, as it still is to this day. The people in your class are generally and positively accepting of My active Presence and of the authenticity of these teachings as originating in Me. But you are correct… most in the leadership of your church make no effort to explore this manifestation of Me. They avoid the risk, and maintain ignorance that need not be. It is always safer to say, “Well, I just don’t know about that”… or “Scholars don’t seem to agree.”

The letter from Zane contained a story for you… and also an impetus to write down more stories. You wrote Read that you had a dozen. Be willing to make yourself a truth-teller, even if the time frame is a bit ragged.

You heard evidences yesterday of people helping people in and around the tornado disaster area. As I have told you before, it is not a joy of Mine when the earth functions as it occasionally will and people are killed and injured and property is destroyed. Yet I also know that out of such incidents will come the show of spirit, the desire to become part of others’ lives that would not come forth when days are all sunny and mild.

MON., MAY 31, 1982, 5:18 AM

Much that happened yesterday, o son, can be seen as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, here in the earth. It was the celebration, and certainly a minor one (consider that for the future), of the full entrance of My Holy Spirit into active work in the earth. As I have told you before, I worked with certain individuals all through the Biblical period. I was an aspect of Jesus the Christ, but I was not free to function as I do now. On Pentecost I came forth, dramatically . . .

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