The Process Never Fails

TUES., AUG. 29, 1989, 6:57 AM

You have waited for several minutes, presumably, and no title appeared. Your mind was reasonably neutral, but eager to get on with this task. You still have too much of the sense of time urgency, and I do need to cause that to recede. No classes are yours to teach until afternoon. Why the concern about completing this before some designated time? I could not have overcome this in you in your earlier days in teaching, but I should be able to now. Won’t you relax and let Me have this time, even when it is more than an hour?

Whatever your doubts may be as you commence this process on any morning, you have not had a failure in over 10 years. Never have you put away the pad, with the anticipatory date and time in place. A few times I have let you start a Teaching in the morning and finish it later, but never have I, the Holy Spirit, left you with no lesson for your “effort”. The process never has failed, and I don’t anticipate that it ever will. So My assurance to you, as a learner of spiritual truth, is that the process never fails. Some days just require more patience than others.

It certainly is possible for you to learn spiritual truth without these direct Teachings. Many Christians, including most pastors and preachers, never have this direct a contact with Me, but they maintain and enrich their faith by many other means. Some, if I came this directly, would “run and hide,” for despite their calls to the Spirit to come and reveal Myself, they would be quite uncomfortable with such a tangible Presence.

With most of those who call for My presence and help I am more subtle and less direct. I establish no process like this one, but rely mostly on prayer and the quiet and openness that prayer can encourage and produce. Prayer is a process, but some who use it tend to dominate, leaving no time for Me to respond. Remember this when next you have the opportunity of leading the worship service. Leave time for Me to come and at least begin the answer to prayers of supplication. Have your congregation, individually, listen for My still, small voice.

The process should never fail if you remain faithful and full of trust. You know I will test you from time to time, but despite times when you come with no expectations I shall never leave you with blank pages. There is always something in your secular… or your spiritual… life that needs some comment, but these times of really personal communication usually cannot be heralded. It is not simple for you to know when I need to offer you a Teaching that shall bolster your faith… and your confidence in this process. Consider this as a possibility… even a probability… as you sit and wait on some mornings.

The purpose of these Teachings, as of all life experiences, is… and you know it well… spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is growth away from the sense that your individuality and your individual needs are important and that life is primarily a secular experience. Rather, the growth is toward a sense of your oneness with Me, with others, and with this earth, toward the realization that your needs are fulfilled best when you’re doing good for others, and toward the truth that life is, fundamentally, a spiritual encounter.

I fully admit that it is easier to help you learn this now that your family responsibilities are minimal, when you don’t have to “hustle” for extra money, and when you are comfortable in what you are teaching. I truly admire (and you should, too) young people who can come to these spiritual realizations in the midst of a busy and demanding secular life. On the other hand, there still are many who reach your place in life and still reject My overtures and finish out their earth lives in ways much inferior to the way I offer.

TUES., AUG. 29, 1989, 6:57 AM

You have waited for several minutes, presumably, and no title appeared. Your mind was reasonably neutral, but eager to get on with this task. You still have too much of the sense of time urgency, and I do need to cause that to recede. No classes are yours to teach until afternoon. Why the concern about completing this before some designated time? I could not have overcome this in you in your earlier days in teaching, but I should be able to now. Won’t you relax and let Me have . . .

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