The “Rapture”

SAT., SEPT. 10, 1988, 6:20 AM

You are not very knowledgeable about this concept of the “Rapture.” In this case I am not greatly concerned, and in this Teaching I shall tell you why. Remember, of course, one of My basic premises: I do not give the same message of salvation to every believer… even every servant of Mine. So, yes, it is important for some to believe vividly in the literal Rapture and await its coming with dedicated lives. It is even necessary that some believe in a particular date in time, for there is much potential for spiritual growth in a religious defeat. But hear what I tell you, o son.

I have you put this title in quotation marks to indicate that My rendition to you is different from the more common “traditional” interpretation, even as I use the same word. The “Rapture” as I want you to see it is much like being born, yet again. It is the experience, for individual Christians and for groups (even whole churches), of knowing, in your spiritual depths, that I, the Holy Spirit, love this earth and all of its myriad peoples. It and they are My creations, and I still find them good. Knowing this, you seek opportunities, create opportunities, and accept ones “given to you” to keep this earth beautiful and productive, to maintain the balance of its many forms of life, and to serve your fellow humans. When you live each day with such a vivid realization you are living in Rapture.

To live with a feeling of rapture about life, its purposes, and your eternal relationship with Me is quite desirable. You cannot achieve it through work alone, but some focus of attention is necessary. It is an offered gift, but you must reach out and consciously accept it. The feeling of having it within your very being is one that can rightly be called rapturous.

I tell you that the interpretation that all chosen, born again Christians shall be taken, in body, off of this earth beginning tomorrow has some merit, even as it will not happen. It is an expression of My love for those who truly accept My Lordship, as the Christ, and want to be with Me in an idyllic, non-competitive “scene.” It is an expression of the hope that I want a group of disciples, few in number, who have faithfully studied and fully believe My Scriptures and who wish to serve Me directly for eternity, without the rabble of unbelievers, pagans, and blasphemers.

Initially it is a lonely motivation, with sincere dedication, and I do appreciate this. Yet it almost inevitably must include this conviction that I want most of humanity to suffer, even by withdrawing My presence, and theirs, from this earth. It proclaims that the first shall be first, even as you must be humble in proclaiming that you are in the “permanent first group.”

It also implies that I do not care about this earth… and that I have been faulty and inept in My creation and preservation of it and its life. Other realms are wonderful, I assure you, but earth, its limitations and its challenges, its seeming imperfections, is a wondrous place for spiritual growth.

The “Rapture”, as I explain and offer it to you, is a warm, fulfilling way of seeing life – in total, on this earth, and each day… even each moment. You are not part of something evil, but of something good… something blessed and cared for, despite the “problems” and troubles that you seem to see. You just “see through” these to My guiding hand. Each person is a soul, from brand new to rather fully developed, on a spiritual path, in some relationship with Me, however dim and unlikely. You shall have certain opportunities, some in concert with others and some uniquely yours, to help the spirit that is the energized “part” of each eternal soul to grow and develop. You shall teach, you shall guide, and you shall just be. This is rapture, of the kind I want you to experience.

SAT., SEPT. 10, 1988, 6:20 AM

You are not very knowledgeable about this concept of the “Rapture.” In this case I am not greatly concerned, and in this Teaching I shall tell you why. Remember, of course, one of My basic premises: I do not give the same message of salvation to every believer… even every servant of Mine. So, yes, it is important for some to believe vividly in the literal Rapture and await its coming with dedicated lives. It is even necessary that some believe in a particular date in time, for there . . .

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