The Reality Of Spirit

SAT., SEPT. 7, 1991, 6:10 AM

Every now and again I must offer you a Teaching that verifies the reality of what We do together… the reality of Me, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you, Bob Russell. Twelve years is not a long time span, but it does represent many Teachings on many themes. Your spirit has grown through this experience… and spirit is ultimate reality.

Just as this pen, this paper, the trees outside, the crowing roster, and you are all, finally, energy (though this is not apparent), so each human is, finally, spirit. Spirit is a form of energy, and energy is a form of spirit. Thus I have created, and thus it is. This is not in the Bible story as such because this kind of understanding was not yet developed. Still… it is there in more poetic forms.

Your life task is to show forth your spirit and include spirit in your teaching about different aspects of health. You are aware that I “send you” some variety of people with spirits somewhat akin to yours. This is for your mutual growth, for your spirit can enrich the spirits of others and can be enriched in the same interactive process. You recognized that Brigette is one of those special people whose spirit will intertwine with yours over these next years. You have both started the process. Make it a live and growing one. It is of My initiation.

You realize that you have not kept up with the letter writing I have urged you to do. This is a means by which your spirit responds to the spirit in another and by which another benefits from relationship with you. As you fail to write each day your “backlog” increases. The letters from Jerry and from Wilbur must be answered soon, even as you have others that are long overdue. I know this takes time and effort, but it is an act of spirit, and I want this from you.

Your next Ruminations should be out at the end of this month, and you haven’t yet done what I suggested was necessary before I verified the theme. Your Farm looks much better after the work of yesterday. Now it is time to give attention to this table behind you and the Teachings thereon. From this attention shall emerge the theme. You know the rest of the process well. So I say, “Get to it,” for this is an important way that your spirit speaks to the spirit of many others.

Your spirit is the direct link to Me. While your spirit can relate to other spirits, the relationship is best when you both acknowledge this linkage with Me. I have power that is not diminished by letting it be an active part of interchanges and relationships. The power of spirit is, of course, love, and love is not diminished by its expression. In fact, as I have told you many times, your capacity to love increases as you do love… and diminishes only as you try to “ration” or be cautious about your offering of love.

The ultimate expression of spirit is love, and thus this earth, which is My creation, is an expression of love. As you treat it in loving ways you are expressing spirit in “My fashion.” And there is no fashion that is better, say I, with proud humility.

SAT., SEPT. 7, 1991, 6:10 AM

Every now and again I must offer you a Teaching that verifies the reality of what We do together… the reality of Me, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you, Bob Russell. Twelve years is not a long time span, but it does represent many Teachings on many themes. Your spirit has grown through this experience… and spirit is ultimate reality.

Just as this pen, this paper, the trees outside, the crowing roster, and you are all, finally, energy (though this is not apparent), so each human is, finally, spirit. Spirit is . . .

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