The Realm Of Time

FRI., MAR. 6, 1987, 5:57 AM

Every now and again I offer you a Teaching that could be called esoteric. It is not practical. Rather it speaks of matters that are even difficult to imagine. So, as you are up and in contact before the sun “rises,” this shall be one of those mornings. Hear, o son, as I speak of timelessness in relation to this realm of time in which you now live.

In the Garden of Eden there was no time. Scientists can calculate geologic time, and they argue over how long the earth has been in existence, how it was created, and what existed “before”. Outside of time, spirit and matter are hopelessly mixed, so there is no final resolution to such arguments. Adam and Eve, My symbolic first humans, lived how long? There is not a clue in the story as to “how long” it was that they lived sinlessly and in harmony with Me and other creatures. But this suggests that as you live in this way there is no need for time.

Thus, when you are close and walking with Me, even in the midst of this earth life the reality of time recedes. Though I have you put each of these Teachings in a frame of time I want no measure of time evident as you write. You are imperfect, so you only rarely actually exist and write outside of time, but the potential is present as long as you hold this pen.

The realm of time is a hard taskmaster. It says you have lived so many years, and at a particular time your life has gone… you have died at a particular age. Death, of course, is moving on, or back, into timelessness. Even then the matter of how long you lived in the earth becomes of no consequence. So when Henry dies at 86 and a baby dies in infancy there is no great difference as they return. One has had a longer time for spiritual growth, but the actual growth may be very little different.

As you spoke last evening of suicide in the elderly several of your students clearly see Me as one who always opts for more earth life. So I tell you now, this is not so. I do say that each moment of earth life has potential for spiritual growth, but if the potential is not being realized the continued length of a life is inconsequential, even silly. When a young person takes her life because of some apparent failure or inadequacy this is sad. But rarely is there comparable sadness when one who is elderly moves out of time. Sometimes the motivation is large selfish, but usually there is a good measure of concern for others. After a long life many old people lose their sense of time, and just desire to leave this realm for a timeless one.

I push you to accomplish certain tasks within a frame of time. I have told you I can use this realm and can appear to function in it. So while I urge you to do something by a certain time or within certain months you are both responsible to comply and free to know that the time frame is of no ultimate consequence. Oh, there can be consequences from “being late,” but these are always also opportunities for some other type of service or experience.

Should you be concerned about how long you shall live? Well, I have no objection to your having a physical assessment and even taking some medication designed to prolong your fully functioning life, but I also say that ultimately more earth years are of no importance. So enjoy these days in the realm of time, and yet live them as timelessly as you can.

FRI., MAR. 6, 1987, 5:57 AM

Every now and again I offer you a Teaching that could be called esoteric. It is not practical. Rather it speaks of matters that are even difficult to imagine. So, as you are up and in contact before the sun “rises,” this shall be one of those mornings. Hear, o son, as I speak of timelessness in relation to this realm of time in which you now live.

In the Garden of Eden there was no time. Scientists can calculate geologic time, and they argue over how long the earth has . . .

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