The Relative Nature Of Sin

FRI., SEPT. 15, 1989, 6:30 AM

Those who are considered to be most devout in their relationship with Me, the Triune God, affirm an absolute nature for sin. Sin can be determined from the Ten Commandments and from other Scriptures. Sins must then be announced, and non-sinful behavior must be required and rewarded. Sins must be recognized and punished in some obvious ways. The sinner must repent and turn away from sin and yet must continually remember that sin as a prod to remaining sinless.

This is considered to be a desirable way to approach life, even though I, as Jesus seemed not quite so rigid in My dealings with people. After My death and resurrection We anointed Paul to develop one fundamental of Christian theology – grace. Paul, realizing himself to be a sinner, even in his devotedness, also realized that he was saved from all of his sins by My sacrifice and my resurrection. I, the Holy Spirit, finally convinced him of this, even as he knew the Scriptural descriptions of sin and still believed in the sinless life and the punishment to maintain this in the community.

Christians often like to focus on sexual sins. For many these are the most obvious… the epitomy of sin. In earlier times those who committed sexual sins tried to hide such, for when they were discovered the punishment was severe. The commandment forbidding adultery was expanded to include fornication, and children born out of wedlock were labeled and socially punished for the sins of their parents. One of the choice terms in the lexicon of profanity is bastard, that ancient term for one conceived in sin, from intercourse outside of marriage.

Your extended family now has a unique opportunity to affirm the relative nature of even this hoary sin. In the absolute sense Larry and Bonnie sinned by having intercourse before their official, sanctioned marriage. One such act, that normally would have been unexpected, unannounced, and unheralded, produced, in some nearly miraculous way, a conception. She is with child. Marriage takes place quickly, to reduce societal frowning and, in a sense, to atone for the sin. In more positive terms, the marriage is an affirmation of love, which was the major motivation for the act, and love is the powerful force that negates sin.

What does sin produce? Paul’s oft-quoted affirmation was that it produced death. In this situation it has produced life, which does tend to make the sin quite relative, doesn’t it? If this sin were absolute then the conception should be seen as a curse, and the child would be considered a bastard, even for a lifetime. It shouldn’t surprise you that I reject this rigidity and affirm to you the relative nature of sin.

Relative to what? Relative to love and to commitment to Me and to the embodiment of the Christ spirit. My life as Jesus was sinless, not because of what I did or didn’t do, but because I was the Christ. As you accept this Christ spirit, Me, in effect, into your life you have less capacity to sin and more capacity to forgive those who obviously commit sin.

Homosexuality is a great sin, and yet one of your sons and one of your nephews are such. The Christ spirit allows you to accept them, with love, as family. They remain sinners only as they have not yet accepted this Spirit that I offer. Their actions do not overcome the love that you have and must show to them.

FRI., SEPT. 15, 1989, 6:30 AM

Those who are considered to be most devout in their relationship with Me, the Triune God, affirm an absolute nature for sin. Sin can be determined from the Ten Commandments and from other Scriptures. Sins must then be announced, and non-sinful behavior must be required and rewarded. Sins must be recognized and punished in some obvious ways. The sinner must repent and turn away from sin and yet must continually remember that sin as a prod to remaining sinless.

This is considered to be a desirable way to approach life . . .

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