The Rhythm Of Life

THURS., SEPT. 24, 1981, 5:09 AM

Hear, o son, in another early morning teaching/learning session. You are a bit amazed that you have awakened (or been awakened) before the alarm each morning since technology failed. The human spirit can do much if it is given the chance… and not weakened by technological means. Be that as it may, you have established an interesting new rhythm during this commitment… and Lenore’s sojourn away… so let Us talk about the Rhythm of life.

Like unto weather and climate most lives have a short term, almost day-to-day rhythm and also a long term, general, overall one. You have established a sort of balance during this time of commitment that shall change when Lenore returns. You shall hear Me less often and shall do more (rightly) in what is your husband role. I predict that other matters will become pressing and you “won’t have time” for these sessions. And then you shall feel the loss and again the rhythm will shift.

Though rhythm is a natural, God-given aspect of life it is also almost a synonym for health… a positive quality, so that the individuals will have it in varying amounts… some virtually not at all. Life for those without much rhythm always is characterized by a poorly developed spirit. It is manifested as either boring and ploddingly repetitious or as chaotic and too eventful. Yes, a life can be repetitious without having rhythm. The person feels “locked in”, with little chance for change or growth. Situations that arise that could be part of a rhythm are either passed by unconsciously or just rejected. Life goes along, flat and uninteresting.

The other extreme is a person with so many upsets, partly or mainly self-developed and induced, that there is no feeling of steadiness. Even the crises are not part of a rhythm. There is much activity, but nothing seems connected. But enough of the negative, for I do want you to keep your rhythm essentially positive.

A healthy rhythm to life emanates from a developed spirit and, in turn, is a developer of spirit. The rhythm is best when the other dimensions are also reasonably and equally strong, but, fortunately, this is not a prerequisite for all. A person with a limited and therefore poorly developed mind, a retarded one, may develop a very happy and productive rhythm. Likewise a person with physical illness or disability may develop quite a superior rhythm.

Spirit is the most essential, with emotional maturity being the next most important. Spirit coordinates, facilitates, and unifies. It enables you to perceive and feel a rhythmic quality to the events of life… those that are hurting and traumatic, and, as well, those that are lovely and memorable.

THURS., SEPT. 24, 1981, 5:09 AM

Hear, o son, in another early morning teaching/learning session. You are a bit amazed that you have awakened (or been awakened) before the alarm each morning since technology failed. The human spirit can do much if it is given the chance… and not weakened by technological means. Be that as it may, you have established an interesting new rhythm during this commitment… and Lenore’s sojourn away… so let Us talk about the Rhythm of life.

Like unto weather and climate most lives have a short term, almost day-to . . .

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