The Rhythm Of Life

DEC. 4, 1981, 11:48 AM

The time for this day’s meditation and the theme for the writing have both been hard to arrive at. Nevertheless, here We are, o son, and I should like to have you consider again this concept that I offered you almost immediately after We began communicating. I say again, this day, that Rhythm is a worthy concept, and I shall continue to offer it until you can, in fact, incorporate it easily into your teaching, writing, and speaking.

Your life has a nice rhythm to it, which at times you appreciate and at other times not so. There is nothing wrong with speculating and day-dreaming about other life styles… other rhythms… for such mental and spiritual activity can help prepare you for shifts and changes that happen or that I cause to happen. (In this regard, know that there is a wide range in My involvement in individual lives. I love with equality, but there are some lives, and yours is one, in which I “intrude” rather frequently. You know this is not going to be all to your immediate liking, but, basically, you are now quite willing to accept what I do to and for your life. I enjoy this… and you should, too.)

Today is a good example of this favorable rhythm. After four days of rather intensive teaching, counseling, paper grading, and just time at the office, you now have a day where you can feed without rushing, have breakfast with some leisure, and do some things at this desk that need doing, but never seem to be in the daily office rhythm.

There are several components to rhythm. Place or setting is one of these. For a healthy life rhythm you should value and enjoy the primary place where you “are”. You are fortunate in having two such places – here at the Farm and there at your office. (You might consider, for this upcoming break period, actually doing to your office what you have purposed to do to make it more “as you want it”. You should be there for a number of years more, so improve it as you can.) You have, in the past, considered the distance between them to be a detriment, but you now see that it can be a fine part of the rhythm. You have a variety of ways to travel, and each can benefit you.

Then from the rhythm of stability in place comes the altered rhythm of being in other places, particularly cities, with friends or not. Continue to appreciate your opportunities to travel and be in places various.

There is also the marvelous rhythm of what you have opportunities to do. First, there is a minimum of work that you do not like or cannot do well. So your rhythm can move from activity to activity, each spirit-enriching. You teach, you write, you speak, you counsel, you write letters, you create here, you are a husband and father. You sing, you appreciate music, you read, you converse, you ponder and develop ideas… and you have this odd form of meditation as a part of your rhythm.

DEC. 4, 1981, 11:48 AM

The time for this day’s meditation and the theme for the writing have both been hard to arrive at. Nevertheless, here We are, o son, and I should like to have you consider again this concept that I offered you almost immediately after We began communicating. I say again, this day, that Rhythm is a worthy concept, and I shall continue to offer it until you can, in fact, incorporate it easily into your teaching, writing, and speaking.

Your life has a nice rhythm to it, which at times you appreciate . . .

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